cryo without the o

511 24 10

Ayaka: Alright everyone, gather around, Eula and I have something to say

Chongyun: one sec im in queue for the latest ice cream flavor

Eula: Such behavior shall not be tolerated. Vengeance will be mine!

Chongyun: im sorry but its limited

Kaeya: young boi got his priorities right

Kaeya: idk who u are but im proud of u

Chongyun: eh?!

Rosaria: what is it

Rosaria: make it quick

Rosaria: i hate overtime

Ayaka: I need everyone's attention so I don't have to repeat everything again

Rosaria: everyones pretty much here alrdy just say it

Kaeya: yeye

Ayaka: No, according to the namelist, we're short of Ganyu, Diona and Qiqi

Kaeya: qiqi?? isnt she that forgetful kid

Kaeya: i didnt know were working with the kids wth

Kaeya: diona hates me were so not gonna get along

Diona: we're

Kaeya: here comes the childe

Eula: You mean "child"

Eula: Can't believe you would add an "e" in "child"

Eula: Mark my words, vengeance will be mine

Kaeya: ayo chill maam

Kaeya: ik what i said

Ganyu: hello i just woke up what did i miss

Ayaka: Hello thanks for joining this meeting today, Ganyu

Ayaka: All that's left is Qiqi

Diona: uhh about qiqi

Ayaka: Is something the matter?

Diolna: shes probably here the whole time but forgot how to type

Ayaka: Ah

Ganyu: like how i forget to wake up?

Kaeya: no u forgots to not overwork pls rest more

Eula: Has Kaeya's grammar always been this bad?

Kaeya: naurrrr ventis worse

Eula: That bard? Don't even mention his name ever again. He is one of those included in my vengeance list.

Kaeya: i bet everyones there

Ayaka: Qiqi can you please respond if you're here?

Diona: like i said

Diona: she forgot how to type

Ayaka: Then how are we supposed to discuss

Diona: just say whatever u want to say

Diona: she will write it in her notebook

Eula: So the child can write but not type? Mark my words, child, vengeance will be mine!

Rosaria: right right i'll be off in 10 mins make it quick

Chongyun: hello i just returned from my ice cream trip what did i miss

Ayaka: Phew, finally everyone's here

Ayaka: I need your attention please!

Ayaka: I can't recall how many failed meetings have we hosted already please let this be the successful one...

Ganyu: im gonna cry

Ayaka: Hold your yawn for a little bit longer, Ganyu. We need to finish this

Ganyu: how did u know i was yawning?!

Kaeya: u cry when u yawn

Ganyu: oh...

Ayaka: So!

Kaeya: Yes!

Ayaka: Since it's a last minute plan, Eula and I thought we could just bring a shaved ice machine

Kaeya: no ice? just the machine? noted.

Eula: I can't believe there is someone in our group who lacks common sense.

Kaeya: yeah yeah so what?

Kaeya: u want vengeance just cuz i made a joke?

Chongyun: ooo popsicles??

Ayaka: Shaved ice, not popsicles

Ayaka: By the way, where's Rosaria?

Kaeya: she left like 30 mins ago alrdy

Ayaka: Excuse me?

Kaeya: yk she doesnt overtime

Ayaka: I-

Eula: Vengeance!

Kaeya: Will be yours!

Eula: ...

Diona: your so dead

Kaeya: *you're ;)

Diona: YOU

Kaeya: ure welcome :D

Diona: what the

Chongyun: ayo kid chill and have some popsicles

Chongyun: you're not u when youre hungry :(

Rosaria: ayo this kid high on popsicles or sumn

Kaeya: brobrobro ure the one not being u are u hungry

Chongyun: im sorry xingqiu took my phone

Kaeya: xing who now

Ayaka: Our junior...

Rosaria: can we call off this meeting its alrdy 12am

Ayaka: What?! How did it get so late?!

Ganyu: can i finally sleep

Kaeya: idc im leaving

Rosaria: shouldnt hv returned

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