venti doesn't know math

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Venti: omg

Kaeya: what

Keqing: not again

Xiao: what's the topic of the chaos this time

Venti: perfect timing xiao

Lisa: I have a bad feeling about this

Lumine: always has been

Keqing: no I'm not going along with your fun venti

Venti: oh come on!

Venti: none of you will regret coming to my talk show today

Diluc: get to the damn point

Venti: okok hold on it's uploading

Venti: xiaommd.mp4

Xiao: who

Xiao: the heck

Xiao: put this

Xiao: public

Lumine: wow

Aether: very cool xiao very cool

Ganyu: I didn't know he could dance

Xiao: answer me @Venti

Jean: now this is news to me

Keqing: idk what to feel about this

Venti: I found it on the internet duh

Venti: user almondtofuyum posted it

Beidou: wowowow we have a dancer in our class??

Ningguang: @Venti how much?

Venti: wdym

Keqing: ningguang don't tell me you're gonna buy that video and resell it for like 10 times the price

Ningguang: why not

Jean: I'm sorry... what?

Ningguang: it's profit, that's how I earn

Jean: No, no that's not what I meant

Xiao: take down that post rn or all that awaits you is regret

Venti: I have more

Kaeya: send it

Venti: albedommd.mp4

Venti: @Albedo

Amber: ohhh my-

Lumine: wow

Aether: that nerd is actually dancing

Albedo: don't interrupt me while I'm experimenting

Kaeya: u mean d a n c I n g ~

Albedo: what

Sucrose: Albedo, I never knew you were into this...

Lisa: scroll up

Ningguang: @Venti how much for that

Venti: hmmm let me get my calculator rq

Albedo: wait no

Albedo: that's-

Kaeya: nah bro no need to explain yourself

Kaeya: we know it

Kaeya: you're really good in dancing I see

Venti: @Ningguang 50k mora

Beidou: yooo that's the price of my ship model

Ningguang: deal

Kaeya: ayo fellow captain aye aye

Beidou: aye

Venti: oh do you want xiao's too?

Xiao: no

Ningguang: yes

Xiao: don't u dare

Venti: that'll be 250k mora

Xiao: what

Ningguang: dm me ur acc no.

Venti: aight one second

Keqing: what

Ganyu: 250k mora I'm

Lisa: Xiao's video worths so much

Venti: twice the price of 50k wdym

Keqing: you and your math

Lumine: sigh

Aether: everytime you sigh you age 7 years

Lumine: oh yeah? them I must be over a thousand by now then

Venti: I added the 2 in front cuz it's double of it I pay attention to classes

Diluc: that sentence of yours is enough to say you did not even listen a single word

Amber: how did you even pass your math test

Venti: no I have the formula in my head you see

Lumine: tell us

Venti: 2a=2 x a

Jean: oh

Jean: I think I get it now

Venti: see? jean says I'm right

Diluc: she never said that

Keqing: so is no one telling him or what?

Venti: I replaced the a with numbers and put the 2 in front I'm right

Keqing: my head hurts

Xiao: please

Xiao: just take away that video already

Venti: never <3


Venti didn't just find Xiao and Albedo's MMD dw there's more to come in future chapters

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