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I was currently in the kitchen, resting my hands on the counter. As the cold top met my palms, it distracted me from my strong heartbeat that kept increasing with each beat. Something that induced anxiety into my veins. I hastily skimmed through my mind about the next step. Trying desperately to find it as I felt things getting blurry and dark in my thoughts. From that point my limbs went numb. I was beyond silent and had no clue how to get out of this situation.

What was this one ingredient again? I couldn't recall it under this much pressure. There were over one thousand people watching. So many eyepairs and minds that would judge on a small slip up or mistake I'd commit to once in a while. Just like now, I was presented to them on a silver tablet.

I knew in a matter of no time there would be the one or other sweat dropping from my forehead.
That was when it would escalate for me. The black and white between all of being famous was tougher than expected at times. People only waited for you to mess up. I knew that it would happen sooner or later, but on my end of the story it made sense if it happened now.

I wanted to let my eyesight to let go off the dark soul sucking camera, yet I didn't. I couldn't allow myself to do so. To display nervousness or anxiety when the internet would take vulnerability at it's finest to use it against oneself.

When suddenly I heard a voice from someone. A familiar voice, a usually so gentle tone that was now rather enraged. Even if that softness wasn't present, somehow I caught myself focusing on that rather than my anxiety clouded mind.

The figure appeared out of the shadows into the light. Where she then met with the sunlight where her eyes sparkled with a deadpanned expression. As her fingers tightly wrapped around the controllers of the switch she held close to her chest, I couldn't help but turn my head. When even my eyes subconsciously twitched over to her. While I'd catch them wandering I knew as well this was better than what would play out otherwise.

Y/n's lips let a curse escape. A enraged hateful one, that was filled with passion for some of the few things she had loved over the years once in a while: video games.

Usually the cozy type, but my thoughts couldn't even reach that far— "AH FUCK!" she exclaimed, once again feeling the anger burn below her skin. Her thoughts seemed racing. Of course she had fun, but it was a different question, when it came to the point if she was calm.

However a small grin formed on my lips.

A sigh escaped her mouth with dissapointment written all over  her expression. Her eyes lowered as she came closer putting the switch down. Beforehand she had pushed the home button on the console, to pause her game. Placing the device carefully down on the surface. When I heard the quiet sound I was brought back to reality in an instant.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to open up. I was ready to listen and knew to expect anything.

I didn't mind though— I liked it when she'd talk about her experiences, passions or stories our of her day.

"The guardian killed me again." she muttered, feeling quite beaten up about it. The tone remained the same as before. She sighed, but looked at me with a smile.

"Aw.. that sucks." I said, affirming with my tone how difficult it was to actually play through the game I watched her play a few times. I had given it a few tries or specifically a public playthrough. And I knew how cursed the guardians were by the players.

I looked gently at her. Observing her facial features. "I'm gonna quit BotW and play minecraft with Lumine at this point or something—" she rambled, I chuckled at the suggestion.

"Do whatever you want to, my dear." I said shooting her a grin.

When my eyes wandered over to my phone I noticed how the livestream chat had went wild. I couldn't help but chuckle. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Y/n frown in confusion.

The Windborn boy ─ Venti x reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now