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[ 3rd pov ]

⊹⊱ Lumine ⊰⊹

About a day later, Lumine seemed to recover. She wasn't back at her peak yet, but she looked better without major eye bags and yawns following her every step.

Her condition had improved, as had her worn moral, but she would have preferred to do the work—her overprotective sibling, Aether didn't want to let her, he was more than determined not to.(And somewhere he was right about it, it couldn't even be called overprotective, but she insisted he was overreacting).

He knew that as soon as he'd let her, she'd repeat the same cycle to her collapse. She was no one different than a victim to a poor work-life balance—which she'd never recognize.

Lumine, on the other side, she was furious. She was mad at him. She felt helpless and refused to feel like it, her blood boiled at the thought of failure. She set up her expectations for herself a long time ago. Becoming sick was She knew her brother meant well, but she wasn't about to give in.

She planned to find a way out of bed. It sounded like a horrible idea, but that was her specialty.

She didn't see recognize falling sick as overworking, but Aether still knew how to manage his sisters well-being. Many times, this dilemma took place, and even his friends learned to adapt his strategies. They worked together as a team at work and outside, and Lumine oberworking herself was one of the reasons they grew closer in the first year. Deep on the inside, she knew that her brother only wanted the best for her, but that thought was left back there and never further confronted.

cool blondie = Lumine

adorable blondie = Aether

< | adorable blondie

cool blondie
can i leave and please~ do some *small* work ☺

adorable blondie
forget it, you insane workaholic.

You shouldn't be at the phone and just take a rest

cool blondie
i'm not a workaholic.

and no. end of this topic.

adorable blondie
if not that, then get your pride lower and take care of yourself, please?

cool blondie
i'll think about it..

adorable blondie

yay! :D

pinky promise?

cool blondie
pinky promise

there's a reason why you can easily convince people like me cause you've got the warm nature and you're annoyingly persistent you little bitch<3

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