New Encounters: 1

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Chapter 19: Jaspers POV

We make it to the church just in time. People are piling in along with us. Some People stop to say hello to the Horan family especially Niall. Some girls flirtatiously wave at him and he politely waves back making them squeal and blush with excitement. I swear one of them look like they were going to pass out. I feel jealousy building up but I let it go remembering that Niall was indeed a pop star and that they were just fans.

We sit on a free bench close to the front and they fall into a small conversation with a family sitting in the front. I try not to eavesdrop and look around the big and spacious building when I feel a bit of weigh land on my lap. I look down and see a grinning Theo.

"Theo!" Denise call from the other side of the bench. "No! Sit with me," she says giving him a stern look. Theo pouts and shakes his head turning away from his mother. I know she's not trying to be mean and only doing it because she doesn't want him to annoy me but I don't mind.

"It's fine," I tell her smiling and she looks skeptical but I give her a reassuring smile and she goes back and to her previous conversation. Theo turns up to me and reaches up to cup my ear with his hands. I move closer to him and he whispers in my ear, "I like you," he giggles and blushes. I laugh and whisper in his ear, "I like you too." He giggles some more and fixes himself on my lap. I wrap one arm around his small body and the other runs a hand through his soft natural blonde locks. Next to me I hear a chuckle. I turn and see a smiling Niall. I blush but smile back.

"He likes you a lot," Niall whispers in my ear. I shrug. "I don't blame him," he adds grinning and I just look at him. I'm having trouble breathing because Niall just takes my breathe away with anything he says. He never fails to make me believe anything he says and I'm just hoping I don't regret doing so.


Halfway through the mass, Theo fell asleep on my shoulder and I don't blame him. I hadn't been to church in a while and I'm not surprised to see that it's as boring as I remembered.

Although, my memories of church were probably some of my happiest. Going to church for me was freedom from being locked in my house all the time. It was the only thing I ever looked forwards too because it was the only thing she let me go too. It was also the only time where she wasn't yelling at me.

Tears brim in my eyes as I remember her and everything else. As hard as it might be to believe me, I actually to kind of miss her. She was my mother and all and took care of me for eighteen years. Yes, she was cruel but I know that deep down she really did love me and she just showed me in her own way. She was crazy but my mother most of all.

Lost in my thoughts I don't even realize that it was over until Niall gently nudged my arm. His parents and brother were standing and everyone else was standing and exiting. I blush and get up Theo still asleep in my arms.

"I'll take him," Greg smiles reaching out claim his son. I hand him over and chuckle when I hear his whine but he still doesn't wake. Greg rolls his eyes and follows his wife and parents out of the church. Niall and I follow behind.

"Are you alright? You were spaced out most of the time," Niall questions. "Yeah, I'm fine," I say reassuringly. He nods and that's the end of that conversation. We continue to walk out until we get to the car and his parents begin to drive back to their home. We arrive in less than ten minutes and get inside. Almost immediately Maura goes to kitchen and starts preparing the food with Denise and Bobby heads outside to turn on the grill along with Greg.

"I'm gonna go with the men, you wanna come or stay in here?" Niall's asks me. I wanted to go with him but I rendered it'd be awkward to hand out with men and listen to their manly conversations and I not know about anything their saying. So I went with the safer less embarrassing option.

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