31: Babies

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Heads will certainly roll if I do not see my mother in five seconds.

I tap my feet impatiently as the nurse checks my name on her computer. Beside me, Xavier squeezes my fingers lightly.

His presence is the only thing keeping me from insanity.

We couldn't come arrive in time for ny mother's delivery but I could still see the twins.

Blake had refused to disclose the genders until I arrived.

“Go right around the corner. And up the stairs, room 12.” Xavier  thanks her while I'm already sailing down the corridor, almost knocking a nurse over with her clipboard.

“Hazel, calm down.” Xavier holds me back. He tilts my chin so my eyes meet his and as always, my nerves relax.

I smile softly, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, I'm quite anxious.”

Nodding, Xavier kisses my forehead.

“What's going on here?” Blake surfaces, making Xavier and I pull apart. Immediately both males size each other up.

I roll my eyes. “Chill. Blake, this is Xavier, my boyfriend. Xavier,  unfortunately, this piece of meat is my brother, Blake.”

Blake thwacks me on the back of my head but he's smiling as I jump into his embrace.
“But we love each other.” He asserts.

“I missed you stupid.” I say, burying my face in his chest.

“And you've grown shorter.” Trust Blake to ruin a moment. Wait, is Xavier laughing?

I snort. “You both suck. Let's go see mum.”

In the room, mum's in her bed sleeping, while Dad's standing over a cot, watching the babies sleep. He notices our entry and beams.

“Hey kid.” I hug him and while he chats with Xavier and Blake, I go to check my siblings.

“So cute.”I gush. They're peacefully sleeping like their mother and they happen to be boys. I pout.

“Not what you were expecting, right?” Mom stirs in her bed. I sit beside her.

“I needed girls!” I groan.

Everyone chuckles. Dad on the other hand is frowning. “We could always try again.” He winks at mom.

“Ew!” Blake and I display our disgust with a weird face.

Xavier's still waiting in the corner. Beaming, I  walk over and pull him towards my family.

Mom sees him. “Xavier, right?”

“He's dating Hazel.” The entire room goes still.

I've never ever wanted to punch Blake so bad like I do now. The silence is torturous.
If my parents would say something, anything, I wouldn't feel this nervous. I believe Xavier does too.

Our intention was to ease into the topic later at dinner but now, I believe that's not going to happen.

“We'll talk later then. I'm not letting anyone steal my thunder.” Mom jokes and the mood instantly lightens.

Blake on the other hand darts out of the room and I follow closely.

I'm certain dad would be sued for public disturbance.


My friends arrive much later still in their school clothes. Mum was delivered of her babies at precisely ten in the morning. The second twin was born two minutes later .

After they congratulated my parents, my friends, Xavier and I headed to the nearest cafe.

I ordered a baguette and a frappuccino while Xavier got sparkling water alone.

“Aren't you supposed to stay fit for swim team.” Xavier whispers in my ear while the baguette was half way moved up to my mouth.

I freeze. “Oh shoot!”

My friends gaze at my place. “What happened? Are you in labour too?” Chad jokes, getting himself a bunch of fries tossed at him by Gemma.

“Shut up. ” The image of Xavier's baby inside me burns up my cheeks. It was too early to start thinking about stuff like that.

“So, tell us about Australia.” Winston saves us from an awkward moment.

Thank you, Winny.

Grinning, my friends bring their chairs close to mine and I show them all the pictures on  my iPad.

Xavier also involves himself in our conversation and it feels like he's been friends with us before Australia.

I couldn't be more happier reuniting with my friends but I wondered what would have happened if I refused to go to Australia.

I would never have met Xavier and that's where the Butterfly Effect gets scarier.

The actions you take lead to other events and the events you procreate can also be an effect of the actions you didn't take.

What if I never was partnered to do a project with Chad and the others? What if I had ignored the urge to use the bathroom when Gemma had used it.

What if mom's parents had never split and she never had the need to work for my dad then?

What if dad's parents hadn't adopted him from an Orphanage in Connecticut and flown him down to California where he was raised to inherit the family's business?

A lot of what ifs.

And the answers to those what ifs, I shudder to think.

Right now, all I want to do is savour every moment with the ones I love and be thankful for the time I've got with them.


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