23: Emotions on the Carpet

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Home is wherever you call home- Anonymous


There are several features of his that I found interesting.

One his piercings.

He's got one on his left eyebrow, nose and upper lip.

Two. His moody countenance like someone peed in his tea.

Three. His eyes.

Heterochromatic, I think that's the name. His left eye was brown and the other green mixed with purple and some unidentifiable colour. Unidentified because I wasn't standing close enough.

Four. His tattoos.

From his right arm sleeve, I'm guessing he has lots of them.



Well, after all the long introductions, Dad dropped the shocker.

"You'll be relocating to Australia, Hazel."

First, I blink. Second, my jaws fly open.

"No way, dad! Australia's weird with their crazy ass animals. Wait, you're joking right?"

Dad's face lacks any humour while Xavier stands there, chuckling.

"That's why you have Xavier, he's going to be your guide in Australia, Hazel." Dad explains.



How about my friends? Shawn? Oh no.

Still shaken from the news, I shove Xavier aside and trudge up to my room, messaging all my friends.

Chadz: wait, Australia??? (21:13p.m)

Ilovebrownies: hazel's gonna get eaten by a huge ass spider...(21:13p.m)

hAzE: hey! you're making it worse Gem

Ilovebrownies: 😊

DetectiveBradley: is Shawn aware?

hAzE: Noooo😭.

Chadz: Someone's gotta tell him.

hAzE: Who?

Chadz: I will, so that he realizes that he was gay the entire time and can finally be with me....😎

Ilovebrownie: Have I ever told you how stupid you are, Chad? (21:14p.m)

I can't help but snort.

Charlie: why am i friends with you, chad? 🙍

DetectiveBradley: I'm breaking up with you 💔

And an endless torrent of words trail down my screen.

However, mum enters my room at this point, so, I give her my attention.

Rubbing her belly, she sits on my bed. "Hey kid."

Smiling, I reach across to her outstretched arm. She pulls me into a warm side hug.

"How are the babies?" I ask her, frowning when I remember something.

She smiles, glancing at her baby bump. "They kicking. I have a feeling it's going to be boys."

"No way. One Blake is enough for me, mum. I need sisters." I protest.

Mother shrugs. "Well, we're just going to wait and see."

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