Chapter 38

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~Kie's pov~

"JJ?" I asked relieved as soon as I heard the door opening.

He's been gone for hours and I couldn't not panic. Especially since he went to his house. As soon as he got inside, he moved with his back at me and started looking at random things around the room.

"Is everything okay?" I asked when I noticed that he didn't say anything since he entered the room.

"Yeah yeah I'm good" he said still not looking at me.

I tried to move a little closer to him, ignoring the pain I was feeling.

"Where are the clothes?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second when he heard me moving but moved his face away as soon as he relaised it. It didn't even matter anymore. I already saw his face.

I got up quickly and tried to look at him. He had a cut on his lips and a forming bruise on his cheeck.

"Kie you shouldn't walk" he started but I intrerupted him.

"What happend with your face?" I asked trying not to let the panic build inside me.

"Let's get you back to bed" he said carefully grabbing my shoulders but I pulled away.

"Was it your dad? Is he back?" I asked and as soon as I saw him avoiding my look I relaised that I'm right.

"I'm fine" he finally said after a few seconds that felt like hours.

"You're obviously not fine, are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked but he ignored my question.

"I'm okay, nothing happend" he said.

Before I could say anything else he grabbed my shoulders again and helped me sit back down.

"I'm gonna go make something to eat, Sarah and John B might be back soon and they'll be hungry too, you go back to bed" he said.

He left the room before I could even relaise or stop him.

I was worried about him. I was so worried but at the same time I was so mad.

Maybe that's why I didn't really think about what I'm about to do.

I couldn't even focus on the pain that I was feeling. I got up and rushed towards the window. Luckily it was easy to open it.

I got out and walked all the way towards JJ's house. I really should've think better about this. Especially that it took me more than normally to get there.

But I couldn't care.

Not when JJ was hurt and it was all his dad's fault.

As soon as I got in front of his house I opened the door more harshly than I intended and enetered inside. Luke was standing on the couch smoking some joint.

"JJ's not here and you can't just enter in my house like that" he asked when he noticed me.

"You're a terrible father" I said but as soon as I said that he intrerupted me.

"If you're here for to lecture" he started but the punch I threw at him stopped me.

I didn't even realise what I was doing. As soon as he started talking my hand flew into his face.

He mumbled something under his breath and stepped back being caught off guard.

"You don't like being in this position too much, do you?" I asked.

"You're gonna regret that you little" he started but I intrerupted him with another punch.

This time my hand was stopped by him grabbing it. He pushed it away making me loose my balance for a second.

I quickly grabbed the closest thing next to me which was a beer bottle and I hit him in the hand with it as soon as he was approaching towards me.

"Enough" he said, catching my hand again before I could punch him again.

I tried to think of something to do as fast as I could but the only thing I could've think of was to move my knee and punch him between his legs.

He collapsed on the floor and I moved away from his as fast as I could.

"JJ doesn't deserve what you're doing to him" I said before picking up some glass from the table in case he was gonna get up again.

I didn't get as much time as I expected and the pain from my wound started to get worse.

He got up again and this time fastly approach towards me but before he could reach me, he was pushed away.

"Don't fucking touch her" I heard JJ's voice.

He moved over his dad that was sitting on the floor and tried to hold him down.

"Don't touch her, you can do whatever you wanna do to me but if you're touching her even with only one fucking finger I'm gonna kill you" he said before pushing him again.

He quickly moved away from his dad and grabbed me by my arms without saying anything. When we got outside I noticed that it started raining and it was already almost dark outside.

He didn't say anything to me until we got further away from the house and reached the Twinkie.

"Are you insane?" he yelled turning to look at me. "Why'd you go at him by yourself?"

"He deserved it for everything he did to you" I said trying to keep my calm.

"He could've hurt you" he said moving a hand in his hair like he always do when he's panicking.

"I can take care of myself" I said this time louder that I intended.

"You're hurt, your stitches just broke few days ago and you can't fight with him" he yelled.

"I couldn't stand you being hurt" I yelled back at him.

It was almost night so luckily there weren't people around but it didn't even matter. Not after everything that happened. Even if it was dark outside I could've still see him well and notice how angry he looked.

"You can't put your life in danger for me" he yelled and tried to walk away from me.

I couldn't let him get hurt. I had to help him, I don't get why he was pissed off which annoyed me even more. If the situation was the other way around he'd do the same.

His hands were moving in his hair like he usually does when he tries to calm himself. I tried to follow him but the rain made it harder.

"Why do you care so much" I yelled back finally reaching him.

"Because I love you" he yelled turning to face me "I've always did"

I don't know why I did what I did next.

Maybe it was the adrenaline.

Maybe it was cause I always wanted to do this.

Maybe it was cause I loved him.

I moved closer to him and pressed my lips on his. One of his hands moved around my waist while the other was resting on my back. I moved one of my hands around his neck while the other was tangled in his hair.

My lips parted slightly allowing his tongue to slip inside.

I have never felt something like this with anyone before. I wanted to keep kissing him. I wanted to keep him close to me.

Even when we broke the kiss, we still kept our heads close to eachother. For a while neither of us said anything.

"Guys, are you here?" I heard a voice that made us move away from eachother.

Sarah's voice snapped me back to reality and made me relaise everything that happened.

What the hell did I do.

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