Chapter 31

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~JJ's pov~

"Here it is" said Sarah when we stopped in front of a huge house.

In front of the house was some guy that was talking at his phone. I don't think he saw us since he was too focused on some paper he was having in his hands.

"How do we get past him?" I asked pointing towards the guy.

"Me and Sarah can try distract him while you enter in the house" said John B.

"I'll wait in the boat in case we need to leave faster" said big John.

"I will wait with him too" said Pope.

"I can stay close to Sarah and John B in case anything happens" said Cleo.

"How are you going to distract their attention?" asked Cleo getting off the boat.

"We'll improvise something" said Sarah.

"You and Cleo should go hide, we'll give you a sign when you can get in the house" John B said.

I hide behind a car with Cleo and watched John B and Sarah getting closer towards the guy.

"Excuse me, we are looking for Rafe Cameron" said Sarah.

The guy put the map he was looking at away and looked at them with no expression on his face.

"He's not here" he said.

"When is he coming back?" asked John B.

"I'm not sure, who is looking for him?" he asked.

"My name is Steve and she is my wife Ella" John B said putting an arm around Sarah.

"Why are you looking for him?" the guy asked.

"Well we just got married and we are thinking about buying this house" said Sarah.

"I'll call Rafe Cameron and let him know someone is here looking for him" the man said looking for his phone.

"The baby" Sarah suddenly said before the man could find his phone.

"What baby?" the man asked confused.

She was silent for a second like she was thinking what to do next then she suddenly collapsed over her stomach.

"I think I'm about to give birth" she said.

"You don't even look pregnant" the man said.

"That's really nice from you to say" said Sarah still holding her stomach.

"Don't stay like that, bring her some water or anything" said John B helping Sarah stay up.

When the man turned behind him to grab a water bottle, Sarah made me a sign to get into the house. I rushed towards the back of the house but I couldn't get inside cause of the locked door.

I turned behind and tried to look for something to broke the window or open the door.

"Kie" I yelled not even releasing how many troubles this could make us.

I suddenly heard the guy's voice closer. It was like he was coming towards me.

"What was that?" the man asked.

"I think I just got another contraction, I need to seat" Sarah yelled.

For the next few seconds I haven't heard anything from them. The man probably went back to help Sarah.

Behind me was a a harbor full of boats. I rushed towards it trying to find anything that could help me open the door. I noticed that on a boat where a few tools for fixing the boat. I could try take a few and open the door.

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