Chapter 11

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~Kie's pov~

"You need other friends than kooks" I said taking a bite from my ice cream, still looking at the sunset.

"I do have other friends than kooks. You" Sarah said.

"It doesn't count" I added, this time looking at her.

She was wearing a blue swimsuit. She had her long blonde hair falling on her back like she usually is.

"Well Kie, do you have other friends than pogues?" She asked taking a bite from her strawberry ice cream.

"You" I said.

"It doesn't count" She giggled finishing her ice cream.

I've looked back at the sunset. I've always liked sunsets. All those colors always gave me a better mood.

"When you'll meet the other girls you'd love them, and I can't wait to introduce you to Topper" she said.

They're just kooks. How worse can they be. And if I wanna be like them I need to act like them. It can't be that hard.

"We gotta go or else we'll be late" she said lifting her shoes, that were half-buried in the sand.

I got up looking at the sunset for a few more seconds before Sarah dragged me though the hot sand.

(Kie's pov~present day)

All I could think about were the motorcycle rides me and JJ were having almost everyday since a week.

It's past midnight and I can't sleep. I stayed in the bed for hours, trying to fall asleep.

Suddenly I heard something. I looked around the room trying to find out what made that sound. Then I heard it again. It came from my window. I opened it and saw JJ standing outside, in front of my window.

"What are you doing here" I whispered opening the window.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

I nodded moving away from the window so he can get inside.

I tried to look at him but he was looking anywhere else so I couldn't see his face.

He sit on the bed and I followed him.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting next to me.

It was silent for a few seconds. He was looking at the floor while moving a hand thought his hair. He does that a lot when he's nervous. I put my hand on his face trying to make him look at me.

When he turned to face me, he had a scar on his lip and a big wound forming on his forehead.

"I went home tonight" he whispered.

There was a silence for a few moee seconds and then he continued.

"Dad was there. He was drunk like usually and I got mad seeing him so we went into a fight"

Silence again.

"Why did you go home?" I asked.

He looked back at the floor moving a hand thought his hair again.

"I wanted to take some stuffs" he said.

I took his face in my hands again to get a proper look at him. His blue eyes were filled with teats he was trying not to let go. His wound was showing more and the cut was bleeding.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I could feel his head resting on my shoulder while his arms were around me.

He was crying. It was the most hard thing to watch. He was always making stupid jokes or laughing all the time so now seeing him crying again like he did in the hot tub was hurting more than it'd hurt if I'd be the one in pain.

We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"I'll bring a first aid kit" I whispered.

He nodded letting me go of the hug.

I've came back a few minutes late seeing him with his eyes closed, almost falling over the pillow.

I slowly sit on the bed putting the first aid kit next to me.

He opened his eyes when he felt me putting a hand on his leg.

"Lay on the bed" I said adjusting myself closer to him so I'd get a better access to his injuries.

While I was taking care of his injuries no one of was said a word. Sometimes he would close his eyes and then open them again, trying not to fall asleep.

"Can I see if you got any injuries under your shirt?" I whispered.

He nodded taking his shirt off. He was covered in huge bruises, much worse than the one on his forehead.

When I put the compress on one of the bruises he whined in pain.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"It's okay" he mumbled closing his eyes again.

When I finished cleaning his injuries I sit down in the bed next to him. He was already asleep.

I made myself comfortable and turned my face towards him.

I didn't understand how a parent could hurt his own child like this. Especially someone like JJ. He is the most loyal, funny and kind hearted person I've ever met.

I don't have the best parents but even if we don't have the best relationship they never hurt me. And JJ defenitly deserves at least the relationship I have with my parents.

I don't remember when I fell asleep but I woke up in JJ's arms. He was holding me tight while his head was in my neck. He was still asleep.

I tried to get away from his hands without waking him up but it didn't work.

"Morning" he murmured letting me go of the hug.

I turned at him and saw his blue eyes looking at me. When he saw me looking back at him he turned his attention to something else behind me.

"How do you feel?" I whispered keeping my eyes on jim.

"I'm fine" he said and then got up from the bed.

He didn't look fine. He looked scared which is something strange for JJ. He was always the one with the funny stupid ideas. But you can't blame him for being scared in this situation.

"Do you want me to bring you anything from the kitchen?"

"I should go" he said going towards the window.

I nodded and watched him opening the window.

"You're not gonna tell the others, right?" He asked worried.

"I won't say anything to no one" I assured him.

He didn't say anything. He put one leg over the window and hesitated for a few seconds, like he wanted to say something, before getting out.

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