Chapter 20

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~JJ's pov~

How could someone that you thought you knew everything about have so many things you don't know about?

Kie's my best friend. I know everything about her. Or I thought I did.

She likes the environment and surfing. She gets mad at me for using plastic straws and makes me watch a sad cartoon with a turtle that eats a plastic straw.

She hates hospitals, needless especially. She is not a big fan of horror movies but can watch the same Christmas movie for twenty times without getting bored.

She likes to braid tiny tails and I like to watch her. She once liked when I washed my hair with John B's shampoo that had a hint of coconut smell. Since then I keept using that shampoo even if John B isn't exactly happy about it.

She also likes making bracelets for us and loves wearing them.

Or does she?

Maybe she is only wearing them to cover up the scars and actually doesn't like them. But Kie's not Kie without her colourful bracelets. She's been wearing bracelets since I can remember. I think like a year or two before the kook academy so she must like them if she wore them before too.

Or maybe now she feels stuck with them and can't get rid of them.

Her wrist had small cuts that were barely visible. They didn't look as bad as she thinks but I think she hides them so the others won't notice. I wish she would've tell us. I wish she would've tell me. I would've try to help her. Maybe I should've notice before or try talk with her more.

I moved my sight from her hand back to her face. The light from the sun was making her blonde stands look lighter. She was having her lips parted, occasionally making small snoring sounds. If the situation would've been different I would've defenitly tease her about this. She looked beautiful even if you could still see that she was exhausted.

I wonder how she feels. The doctor came here around a hour ago to check on her and give her another dose for pain. She didn't even flinch when the needle touched her arm which was unusual but the doctor assured me that she was just exhausted.

I talked with John B and he said they're back at the Chateau and everything seemed save. Even if Sarah was upset cause most of the decorations were destroyed. It looked like Rafe went to look for something when he was back.

Today the other were supposed to come see Kie. And so were her parents. They didn't know yet but we need to tell the doctors otherwise especially cause they wanted to bring the police to talk with Kie about what happend.

"Hey" I heard a small voice coming from Kie.

"Morning" I said trying my best smile to make her feel better about what happend. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good for a hospital bed" she joked trying to get up but I slowly pushed her back down.

"You need to rest a lot" I said and she just rolled her eyes annoyed.

"Since when are you a doctor?" She asked moving her hands under the blanket.

She was trying to hide her hands from me. I didn't know if I should've pretend I haven't notice or say something. Before I could decide, she tried to get up again.

"You're the most stubborn pacient I ever had" I said this time trying to help her instead of stopping her.

"But since I'm your favourite pacient you're going to help me" she said with a smile.

After everything that happend last night, seeing her smile made me so happy. I never saw Kie crying like that apart from the time we thought John B and Sarah died.

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