Chapter 12

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~Kie's pov (few years ago)~

"Where are we going?" I asked running so I could reach him.

"You'll see" Sarah said catching my hand and running with it.

We ran for a few more minutes that felt like hours till we reached the beach. Suddenly the worst day of my life didn't feel so bad anymore.

"I've always wanted to save baby turtles and maybe it'll cheer you up" she said with a smile growing on her face.

We sat there on the beach for hours and helped baby sea turtles to go into the sea. Which was away better than being in a bathroom and without her finding me in the bathroom I might have actually cut my wrist so I couldn't leave her invitation.

"I can't wait for you to met everyone" she said while holding a little turtle in her hands.

"There are the cheerleader team and Topper, we started dating few days ago"

I saw Topper a few times at school this week. I didn't really like him but I don't really like anyone at kook school and I didn't know him so maybe he was nice like Sarah.

"And there's also Rafe, my brother but I don't recommended you to talk with him" she continued.

"Why not?" I asked leaning towards the water to put a turtle in it.

She went silent for a few seconds like she was trying to find a way to describe it but even after she did she didn't seem sure if it was the right way.

"He seems strange latley, I think it has to do with dad but I don't know for sure"

I know I probably shouldn't have asked but I really was curious now to find out more.

"What do you mean different?" I asked sitting in the sand next to her.

It was a hot summer day and the school uniforms weren't really helping. Even if they were made from a blue skirt and a white shirt with no sleeves.

"We used to be closed when we were little but now he's not really present or seem to focus on anything"

We talked for hours about environment and our passions and I figured out that maybe it won't be that bad to be at kooks academy and I found a new friend.

I also noticed that kooks didn't like surfing. They were usually tanning, shopping or playing golf and other games that didn't require too much physical work. But the school had a volleyball team I was planning to get into.

I was really happy that I had Sarah with me even if no one will every replace John B, Pope or JJ. I really missed them.

~JJ's pov~

I'm an idiot.

I should have tell her something before leaving. Maybe thank you for letting me stay in your house or see you tomorrow.

Or I love you.

No this is stupid. I don't love her.

I mean I love her curly hair. I also love her smile and hearing her laugh. I love her eyes, they're peaceful and calming. I love her hands and her bracelets. I love her passion for environment and turtles. And seeing her surfing.

But I don't love her. Not that way.

I walked around the familiar road to the Chateau. I needed to clear my mind and smoking a j will help. I was stopped by someone putting an arm around me.

"Damnit Pope, don't scare me like that man" I said turning back in defence but stopping right before throwing a punch in his face.

"My dad finally let me go out" he said walking besides me.

After we came back from the island his dad kind of locked him in the house. He was only going out for work or helping his dad.

Kie was also pretty much locked in the house while John B had to hide from police who still thought he was a murderer and Sarah who was basically missing, Cleo also had no one here so she was basically stuck here. And I was fine till my dad decided to show up again. He always had to ruin everything. Every single time he ruins everything.

"I need an advice" he suddenly said.

"What is it" I asked taking out the joint from my pocket and lighting it up.

"I was thinking maybe me and Kie could find a way for our relationship to work" he said almost making me chocke with the smoke.

I know I should be happy but something inside me was pissed. Maybe it was just cause of what happened yesterday. I mean Pope loves Kie and I'm happy for him.

"You know there are so many fish in the ocean dude. Why limiting to one?" I asked offering him some weed but he rejected like most of time.

"Yes but Kie's special. She's funny, smart, caring and kinda stubborn and she have that beautiful curly hair" he said.

"Yeah I know" I said louder than I expected but Pope didn't seem to hear me.

I should've been happy. Kie might be happy with Pope. Maybe happier than with me.

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