Chapter 19

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~Kie's pov~

The wound hurt as fuck.

The pain meds started to fade away around two am which made me wake up. I looked around but I couldn't see anything apart from JJ that was peacefully sleeping next to me.

His blonde hair was in his face and his hand was still holding me carefully, avoiding the wound.

I moved my hand a little and felt the tubes that were attaching on it. I felt like I just realised all of this and the realisation of what happend finally hit me.

I hated hospitals. I came here for serious things two times my whole life. And they were the worst moments of my life.

The first time was in my kook year and it was cause of Rafe.

Yes. Rafe fucking Cameron.

Out of all people I decided to date him.

I know it sounds awful but I did to fit in. He was Sarah's sister and he was popular and loved by the others kook. Besides that Sarah tried to set us up as soon as she met me.

He was a different person then thought. Or I thought he was until I got here for the first time. Me and Rafe dated for almost seven months. The months me and the pogues didn't talk with eachother. The months I abandoned them.

Sometimes I feel like I desrved what happened after how I treated them.

We were at a party and I was with Sarah and some friends of her. It started as one of the best nights. I had fun and danced all night long with Sarah. When I went to see Rafe he was with some guys doing drugs.

I got mad at him which got us into a really big fight. At first I blamed what he did cause he was high but I was just saying this so I would find a way to forgive him. All I did was lying to myself. I knew he wasn't even that high yet.

I told him I wanted to break up with him and that's what upset him the most. Before I could've leave he dragged me after him in some room. He kissed me and I thought it was his way of apologising but I didn't even though about forgiving him. I told him to leave me alone but he kissed me again. The kissed lead to his hands on me. At first I thought he wasn't serious and that he'd stop soon but then, after I already told him to stop more than once, I relaised that I have nothing to do about it.

I just sat there, feeling numb and doing nothing about him forcing himself on me. I did nothing and maybe that's why it's my fault.

The next morning he was gone. I dragged myself out of the bed and went to the closest bathroom. Looking in the mirror only made everything worse. I looked like I just got out from a cat fights and what's wrose is that I couldn't go home like this.

I searched for my clothes and dragged myself to the closest hospital. This hospital. This room. This bed. It wasn't the greatest idea but it was the only way of fixing stuffs a little before facing anyone.

I got asked a lot of questions at the hospital but I managed to get through them all lying. I told my parents that it was from some fight I got into at a party. I got grounded after but I never been so gladly for not being allowed to get out of the house.

For a second this reminded me that my parents still didn't know about this. They're probably worried right now. I looked around for my phone but I couldn't see it in the dark. When they'll find out about this they'll have to let me stay here at least for a while longer before sending me to that boarding school. Or at least I hope so.

I moved my hands to my wound to try to make it less painful. When my hands touched I noticed that neither of my bracelets were on my hands. I had no bracelets all this time.

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