Chapter 27

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~Kie's pov-past~

"Don't think about them anymore" Sarah said not lifting her eyes from the pile of clothes that was in her arms. "Besides, we need to figure out with what to dress you for the party"

The party was the last thing in my mind. I couldn't care less about the party. All I could think about was JJ and the fight we had last night. I tried to call him and text him but he didn't answer.

He hated me now.

Maybe I deserved it.

I definitely did after what I did to him, John B and Pope.

"I don't know if I'm in the mood for a party" I said getting up to help her with the pile of clothes.

"Come on, it will be fun" she said inspecting a black top. "I bet this would look good on you" she added throwing the top at me.

She tried to convince me a few times this morning too but pointless. I really didn't want to go. All I wanted to do was to go back at my old life. I love Sarah but I love JJ, Pope and John B too.

"I promise that we'll have fun, and if you decide that you wanna leave then I'm leaving with you" she said.

"Okay I'll come but I'm not promising that I'll have fun" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure everyone has fun at a party, that's what a party is for" said another voice from the doorframe.

"What are you doing here?" said Sarah annoyed.

"I need Kie for a second" said Rafe winking at me.

"And why would you need her for?" asked Sarah watching me getting up and moving towards the door.

"Doesn't concern you" said Rafe.

I got up, leaving the pile of top Sarah gave me on the bed.

"I'll be back in a minute" I said closing the door before she can asnwer.

"Why do you need me for?" I asked and Rafe just smiled.

"Drop the act Kie, it's only us here" he said getting closer and connecting our lips.

He was a good kisser but for some reasons it didn't feel right. Nothing really felt right at this.

"Maybe we should tell Sarah about us" he suggested still keeping his forehead close to mine.

I couldn't tell Sarah. Not yet at least. I wasn't even sure I felt anything at all for Rafe so I couldn't tell her.

What the hell was I doing?


What the hell was that sound?

John B run towards the door that separated the two rooms and tried to open it but before he got the chance JJ stormed on it. He looked like he just got out of a fight. He had a cut on his lips that was bleeding and a bruise on his cheek that was still forming.

"The plane is crashing" he announced and started to look in the boxes.

Now I'm sure I don't like flying.

I felt how my heart skipped a beat after he said that. I looked around the room and the others seemed to have the same reaction.

"What?" yelled John B.

"What did you do?" Cleo asked almost yelling too but still calmer than the others.

"I got into a fight with Rafe and we destroyed the engine" JJ said without looking at us, he was still looking in the boxes.

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