Chapter 37

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~JJ's pov~

I woke up with Kie between my arms and a huge headache.

All the events started to slowly fill me in. I was a jerk and Kie actually thought I meant what I said. I know I already apologised but maybe she was still thinking that I meant what I said.

As long with the events from last night also came the events from yesterday. The events with the whole new family. I still can't belive that this was real.

I tried not to be mad at Sarah because it's not her fault that mom left, it was her decision but it was pointless. I wasn't mad I was jealous that she had her mom and I didn't. She had a whole family and I was stuck with my dad. But this wasn't her fault. I couldn't be mad at her.

I was awakened from my thoughts by Kie moving between my arms. Her curly hair was covering her face but I could still see her beautiful lips that were a little parted, occasionally snoring.

I was defenitly gonna tease her about this when she wakes up.

I tried my best not to move so I wouldn't wake her up or hurt her wound.

All I wanted was just to tell her how I feel about her but I can't, not when Pope is still in love with her. Not when I know that she'd never feel the same way about me.

"Morning" Kie said without opening her eyes.

"Morning" I said without taking my eyes off her.

She slowly moved to lay down on the other half of the bed and I hated that she moved away from my arms.

"Any plans for today?" she asked with her face into one of the pillows.

"John B, Sarah and Cleo are grocery shopping and Pope is at home and I have to go get some clothes from home but after that it's just me and you" I said.

"How about me, you and some joint?" she said with a smirk.

"Even better" I said. "Are you sure you'll be fine alone for around an hour?"

"It's not like I can really walk anywhere so you'll still find me here"

"I'll try to be back as soon as possible" I said before getting up.

I looked around the Chateau kitchen but all I could find were some pieces of pizza left from last night. I put them on a plate and went towards John B's room, where Kie was.

When I opened the door I noticed her still with her head in the pillows and the blanket almost over her head.

"I brought you some food if you're hungry" I said leaving the plate on the nightstand next to the bed.

She didn't say anything so I tried talkinh with her again.

"Kie?" I asked slowly moving her head so I could see her face.

She was asleep again.

I tried my best to stop a chuckle so I won't wake her up.

I had to walk towards my house cause John B, Sarah and Cleo took the car and I didn't have any other choice. Usually I'd have felt more scared to go towards my house and I'd have took the longest way towards it but now I couldn't wait to take my stuffs so I could've finally leave.

As soon as I touched the doorknob I heard a voice coming from inside.

"So you're finally deciding to come home?" said a familiar voice.

As soon as I heard his voice I wanted to turn around and run as fast as I could back to the Chateau but I couldn't move. I felt like my legs were stuck.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying not to look at him.

He's been missing again for a few months after the last time he came here. I didn't expect to see him this soon.

"I missed home" he simply said coming towards me.

He moved his arms over my head and I flinched without even realising. He didn't even care about it and countinued his attemp of a hug.

"Come on, don't stay like this son, come in" dad said and as soon as he said this I could've tell he was already wasted.

I shouldn't have listen to him but I felt like I was scared not to do what he told me to. I felt like I was nine years again and I was worried to even look him in the eyes.

"Come on, take a sit" he said pointing towards the free chair in front of him. "Want a drink?"

"No, I'm good" I said looking at the table in front of me.

"I just wanna have a talk with you that's all" he said.

After he saw that I was still standing next to the table he countinued.

"I need something from you" he started.

Of course he did.

"I'm kind of in a rush now and I own some moneys to some people, I need you to give me some" he said.

"I don't have any money" I said without looking at him.

As soon as I heard the chair moving when he got up I took a few steps back without realising.

"After everything I did for you" he started, getting closer to me. "That's what I get?"

His hand move towards my shoulders, squeezing them. When he noticed I wasn't saying anything he picked me up by my shirt and pushed me in the closest wall.

"Dad I don't have any moneys I swear" I said but I was cut off by his punch.

I tried getting up again and ignore the pain in my cheek but I wasn't quick enough. He pushed me again back into the floor and soon after another punch came.

I tried to look at him but I couldn't focus on anything. I knew he was still talking but I couldn't tell what he was saying. I tried to fight back and push him off me but I couldn't move.

I don't remember how long it took him to stop. I just know that at some point I heard the front door closing.

I tried my best to get up and walk towards the bathroom. As soon as I saw myself in the mirror I knew I couldn't face Kie like this. She already had so many things to worry about.

I washed my face, trying to ignore the pain I felt when my hands touched my face then I looked around my room picking some clothes to take with me.

I took another quick glance in the mirror, making sure Kie wouldn't notice any bruise. Some of them weren't so obvious yet so maybe she won't say anything about this.

Kie couldn't see me like this.

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