Chapter 8

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"So.. what the hell is this a double date?"

Asian blurted out, trying to kill the awkward silence. Normani looked up from her menu, her eyes quickly shooting towards Von who was already staring back at her.

He licked his lips real slow as his eyes studied her face a bit. He had an amused look on his face.

What's his problem? She thought to herself quietly as she looked away from him.

"Naw, this wasn't suppose to be no date at all actually."

Von spoke up while smirking. He shot Durk a look as Durk just chuckled.

"So then why is Asian here?"

Durk pointed.

"Fuck you mean why am I here?"

She questioned angrily.

"You just brought yo bitch here... no offense Mani."

Asian pointed while rolling her eyes.

"None taken. I'm not his bitch though."

Normani said while placing her menu down. Von let out a small laugh.

"Sum funny?"

Durk said while raising his eyebrow. He swiftly leaned back in his seat, placing one arm around the frame of Normani's chair as he scooted himself closer to her.

"This was suppose to be a meeting with the guys actually."

Von said while shaking his head.

"A meeting about what?"

Asian questioned while crossing her arms.


He muttered. Asian decided not to question him any further since she knew what that meant.

"But, it looks like the girls came along instead so.. even better."

Durk grinned. Him and Von kept exchanging looks as Normani peeped it. Something is definitely off here. She kept thinking to herself.

She wasn't sure what exactly was going on between them, but since they wanted to act funny she just decided not to care. At least I could get a free meal out of this!!

"Hello guys! My name is Jason and I will be taking your orders for this evening. Shall we get started with some drinks-"

"I'll have a glass of champagne please."

Normani spoke up while glancing at her menu.

"And you could also add in the shrimp pasta too. Thank you."

She closed her menu shut before passing it towards Jason.

"It looks like somebody here knows what she wants."

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