Chapter 2

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*Normani's outfit tonight*

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*Normani's outfit tonight*

Magic City opening up in downtown Chicago had to be one of the biggest events to ever happen for the city.

The strip club has been popping ever since they opened. There were extremely long lines to get inside the club.

People would pull up with their fancy expensive cars. They would have on their best dressed fits.

Overall, attending Magic City was basically a big deal.

Normani and Ari were seated in the back of a Bentley truck, on their way to Magic.

Normani was actually surprised when Ari revealed that since she worked for Magic City, the club provided her with her own personal driver to and from the strip club.

This was for safety measures, as working as a stripper could be dangerous since the girls are mostly surrounded by men 24/7.

"Jefferey, this is my cousin Normani."

Ari said as she leaned forward in her seat. Jefferey was her personal driver. He just smiled.

"Nice to meet you miss Normani."

Jefferey said while nodding his head at her through the rear view mirror. Normani smiled back politely.

Jefferey was a big dude. He had to to be about 6'6 feet tall. He was dark skin with tattoos crawling up each arm.

He had a sweet face though, almost giving him teddy bear vibes.

"So... you pick up Ari every night and bring her to work?"

Normani questioned as they both nodded.

"Yes ma'am. That's my job. The club decided to do this since most of the dancers would constantly get followed or harassed by male customers after their shifts."

Jefferey explained.

"Mmhmm. This one guy tried to follow me home one night. Jefferey beat his ass for me."

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