4.3} New Danger With Old Danger

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☄. *. ⋆ "I'm too busy being Y/N of secrets." ☄. *. ⋆


.·:*¨༺ Y/N's POV ༻¨*:·.

We slowly walk into the hallway looking around, my arms being linked with Ben's arm as we venture further in while looking around the area. I stop for a second as we see three passageways. The place reminds me too much of the tunnels from Jurassic World just, more brightly.

"Guys, come on." Kenji calls out to us with his voice low. We ran down one of the hallways following Brooklynn and Kenji. Once at a square that looked like the door we came through, Brooklynn uses the touch screen, swiping across to unlock the door.

Large trees and birds being heard chirping is what catches my attention first. The area that the door opened up looked a lot like a forest which was really weird as we came from a desert not so long ago.

"Guys, do you remember how, like, five seconds ago, we were in a desert?" Brooklynn asks as I inspect one of the bushes to see if it's real. I touch the bush closest to me confirming it to be real and not fake.

"What the heck is this place?" Sammy questions looking around the area. Right after we start hearing thudding noises as the ground shakes, feeling all too familiar to us.

"No, it can't be." I hear Yaz whisper.

"This feels all too familiar from when we were back at Nublar. Like the footsteps of a..." Luca trails off as we see exactly what was responsible for the thudding footsteps.

"T. Rex." Sammy finishes the sentence as she steps back, now beside Luca. It lets out a roar before running straight towards us.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Kenji exclaims as we're all running away from the T. Rex. Splitting the group in half I hide behind a large rock with Kenji, Ben and Sammy while the other four hide behind a tree.

The T. Rex runs straight past us before turning. Moving around the rock we see another T. Rex walk out in front of the T. Rex that was just chasing us as they start to roar at each other.

I then head towards the group that was now at the tree as I watch the two T. Rex's as they don't look hostile towards each other for an odd reason.

"Who's that?" I hear Kenji ask.

I looked over from being on the other side of the tree as I was watching the T. Rex's with Luca beside me, to see a lady who looked very familiar to me. She looks at our group dropping the sandwich from her mouth as it lands on the tablet she has a hold of. I knew of the lady to be Mae Turner as she once had helped me with my dinosaur book.

"You're trespassing. What are you up to?" Mae runs up to us before gasping. "Are you here to spy?" She questions holding her tablets closer to her. Luca and I stay behind the group.

"Yeah. We're an elite band of teenage secret agents." Kenji tells her. His voice monotone.

"Are you crazy? You're eating a sandwich in the middle of a T. rex fight?" Brooklynn whispers to her confused.

"First of all, they're not fighting. They're pla--" Mae then gets cut off.

"Playing! Cranio-facial biting! It's true!" Darius exclaims watching the two T. Rex's from the other side of the tree closer to Mae.

"Uh, yes. Don't change the subject!" She scolds.

"Lady, we don't wanna be here, either. We just wanna go home." Yaz tells Mae looking upset.

"Oh, yeah, we'll see about that. Follow me." She walks past them but stops for a second at the sight of Luca and I. "Y/N? Luca? Is that really you two? Alive and well?"

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