3.6} Antidote Emergency

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☄. *. ⋆ "I prefer it when Y/N praises and compliments me." ☄. *. ⋆


.·:*¨༺ Y/N's POV ༻¨*:·.

"Somebody get some bandages." Darius shouts out as he looks towards me. "Oh no." I heard him mutter as he realised I also got hit.

"Y/N everything's gonna be fine." Ben tries to reassure me as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"You know, some supplies we can get or something?" I can hear Yaz say, before I lift my head up looking towards Sammy. Ben keeps me in his arms trying not to panic as he rubs circles around my back as some sort of comfort.

"Guys! Take the quills out quickly." I tell them weakly as everyone is rushing around panicking as they don't have a clue on how to help Sammy and I. Yaz runs over as Sammy is trying to wake up. Brooklynn comes over with bandages as they do as I say.

Once the quills are out of Sammy Yaz calls out to Sammy as she once again starts closing her eyes. My eyesight starts to slowly get blurry as I fight to stay awake. I groan in pain once again landing my head on Ben's shoulder.

"Shh. It's gonna be fine. You'll be fine." Ben tells me as I whimper a bit while he wraps a bandage around my stomach that was passed to him by Brooklynn.

Yaz puts a pillow under Sammy's head as she sits beside her holding her hand. Ben refuses to leave my side as I'm still in his arms with my head resting on his shoulder. The pain in my stomach is getting worse as the poison starts to move more quicker. My eyesight still gets blurred whenever I try to look around.

"Sammy, we're here." I hear Yaz say softly. "Everything's gonna be okay."

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough. The poison's already in their systems. They need an antidote before it gets any worse." Darius tells the group.

"Oh, sure, yeah, an antidote. That'll be easy to find, considering no one even knew this thing existed. Well, besides Y/N, who stole files." Kenji points out.

"Maybe the medical supply station has something?" Ben says as I shake my head on his shoulder. He rubs my back trying to soothe me.

"It wouldn't be in the medical supply as the Scorpius wasn't supposed to exist at all." I inform them through gritted teeth as the pain just keeps getting worse by the second.

"Y/N's right. The Scorpius Rex wasn't even supposed to ever get out either." Luca tells the group.

"The video on Wu's old lab!" I hear Brooklynn exclaim. "He was attacked by the Scorpius, and they were giving him this shot from a red vial."

"There's your antidote. Considering how Wu lived." I scoff only to regret it as I clutch my stomach.

"Just relax." Ben whispers in my ear. "No more talking, just resting." I just nod.

"I don't know. I think they said antidote, but I'm-" Brooklynn was telling me before Yaz cut her off.

"Where is this lab?" Yaz asks urgently. Brooklynn hands her a map which Yaz opens.

"Near the raptor paddock." Brooklynn tells her.

"Take care of Sammy until I get back." She then faces me as I can slightly see her. "Y/N, stay strong." I give her a weak smile as she then runs off to get the antidote.

"Wait, Yaz! The Scorpius went that way!" Darius calls out to her.

"I don't care what's out there!" Yaz turns to face us. "I'm saving her. Y/N too." She then runs off again.

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