Ch.31 The Swordsmen

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Tailed Beast Saga*

*Three Tails Arc*

*Narrator POV*

Izuku walked casually through the streets of Kiri with no-one paying any mind to the cloaked figure. Izuku soon reached the location and walked into the back alley. He passed a sleeping drunk before reaching a dirty steel door. He walked up to it and knocked, not long after the a shudder opened revealing two eyes. "Password." Izuku responded with a glance, the shutter closed and the man opened the door with a dazed look. Izuku entered walking into a lounge room seeing a broken table kept together by duct tape along with other dirty or broken junk. "Show me." ordered Izuku and the man quickly went to a portrait turning it to it's side, a chunk of the wall than caved in revealing a tunnel staircase.

Izuku descended down the stairs as the wall closed up behind him, the only source of light being torches that descended down the steps. Soon Izuku reached the bottom hearing a speaker loudly preaching something unrecognizable, it seemed he was in a cavern turned into a underground cathedral. Izuku was standing in what he could only presume was the balcony of the archaic cathedral. Izuku stood at the edge looking over calmly seeing hundreds maybe thousands of people wearing white tunics with hoods up, on the center of the stage was a bald man with a pure black robe instead of the white the others were wearing. Izuku could tell from one glance that the man was insane.

'Like you could talk.'

Izuku flinched as he put a hand to his head, a migraine taking form in his head. He shook his head as he focused on the sermon from the lunatic. "We must purge this world of the Common so us Evolutions can prosper and thrive in this beautiful world. For centuries, these Common have oppressed us for our abilities, calling us Freaks! Abominations! Monsters! No more, now they must realize they are no longer dominant! No longer the oppressor! No longer the majority! Now they shall move aside for humanity's destiny! For it's Evolution!" The preacher spread his arms out while looking into the sky and the crowd went wild with cheers and chants. 

Izuku walked down the steps of the balcony until he was ground level. He than walked at the back until he stood at the end of the center aisle. He slowly started walking down the aisle with heavy stomps causing a few to stop cheering as Izuku continued his trek. By halfway down the cheering had died down considerably with the leader looking at him with a calculating look. By the time Izuku reached the front of the stage the entire room was dead silent, "And who might you be? A lost lamb perhaps." Izuku didn't say anything but he took his mask off showing his face only to the leader, the leader's face went straight outright joy as he happily went to his knees and bowed to Izuku. 

"My comrades, he has arrived the one that will save the Evolved of this world. What do wish my savior." Izuku smiled as he felt all the other followers also bowing to him. He didn't even need to use a Genjutsu they were just that crazy. "Well how do you feel about bringing the Commons culling even sooner?"


*2 hours later*

"Well I think that's everything." said Yu as she closed a folder. She was in her office sitting behind her desk she looked up meeting eye contact with her guest, Team 7. "All do respect Madam Mizukage, we barely even begun. We haven't even talked about-" "Yes yes the masked man that killed the Kazekage apparently and your two tails jinchuriki. I know all about that situation and have taken the necessary precautions. The identity of our Jinchuriki is safeguarded and well hidden to the point I am the only one to know their identity, not even their own family knows." "Well we thought the same thing with our Jinchuriki but that obviously didn't matter. We aren't trying to force anything on you Madam Mizukage we just think it would benefit both of us if we put our differences aside and tackle this problem head on."

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