Ch.28 My Love

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Disclaimer I Do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

*Tail Beast Saga*

*Two Tails Arc*

*Going to try a new writing style tell how you guys like it compared to my normal one*

The morning light peered through mansion curtains showing all three members slowing waking up and packing their things. The Jinchuriki, Nejire Hado was especially having trouble as she refused to let her body pillow(Tamaki) go causing Mirio to forcibly snatch him free much to her annoyance. They had been there at the mansion guarding it for the past week and now it was time for them to head back to Konoha, the escort team should be here in a couple hours to make sure they don't get ambushed.

The trio finished packing and getting ready allowing them to lock up the mansion and reach the shore for the rendezvous. However, as they were walking through the jungle a loud rumbling shook the earth making the team get on guard as they saw the trees part in the distance. The trees parted revealing a tiger made completely of stone with red piercing eyes, it was easily the size of a small building, the trio froze as the summon looked at them with rage as let out a roar that caused the ground to shake. It charged at them with intent to kill with Tamaki the first to react as he bit his thumb and ran through handsigns slamming his hand to the ground causing a giant smoke cloud to appear.

A giant gorilla with red fur and orange skin emerged from the smoke throwing a haymaker at the tiger connecting with it's head knocking it to the side. The monkey than rolled grabbing the tiger into a bear hug and suplexed the tiger into the ground cracking the earth and making the summon poof into nothing. "Are you okay, Master Tamaki?" asked the giant monkey as he turned to Tamaki with concern. "We're good Jorn. Appreciate the save." said Tamaki with a smile which the monkey returned and gave a thumb ups. "No prob-" A crackle of lightning filled the air a beam of blue light pierced Jorn's chest stopping his words in his throat and an instant later he poofed into smoke. The three stood in shock as they watched one of Tamaki's most reliable summons get one shotted by someone or something. "Lightning Style-Chidori Sharp Spear"

They looked in the direction the beam came from and saw a man standing on a branch looking at them. He was wearing a white mask void of any design with only the two empty eyeholes, and black cloak that flowed with the wind along with his black curly hair. The masked man flexed his fingers allowing the beam to dissipate, he returned the hand to his side and continued to look down on the Konoha nin. They were about to charge the man but the air itself became deafening and suffocating from the man's killing intent alone.

The trio felt impending doom as several images of their own death appeared in their mind each more gruesome than the last. It took all their willpower to not kill themselves on the spot due to the overwhelming fear. Mirio broke free from the killing intent by slicing his cheek letting the pain distract him, the others did the same but still the Masked man's intentions were very clear, he was here to kill them.

"It was you wasn't? The person that destroyed Suna." declared Mirio with a serious expression as fell into a taijutsu stance ready to fight, the masked man didn't say anything as he continued to stand there unmoving. "I bet it was for the Tailed Beast inside the Kazekage. The reason why no-one has seen her since Suna's destruction was because you killed her right?" continued Mirio as he made hand signals behind his back directing his team which they followed immediately. "What did you do with the Beast? Want it's power or something like that. Is that why your here for the two tails?" questioned Mirio as the others slowly crept to the side of the masked man ready to jump him. 

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