Ch.47 Battle for the World

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Chaos Saga*

*Final Days Arc*

*Narrator POV*

The first collision between the two completely leveled the forest Ibara had created making the area a wasteland again. The two siblings stared into each other's eyes as their forearms pushed against each other, the bright red Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan of the Last Uchiha stared into the infamous Rinnegan of the Last Hope. There was no emotion in either of their eyes as they pushed off each other making distance.

Izuku: Fancy eyes you got there.

Izumi: I could say the same for you.

Izumi cut the conversation short as she rushed towards Izuku opening with a three-set jab Izuku easily blocked the jabs and returned with his own, Izumi dodged by backpedaling with Izuku trailing after her. The two continued to trade blows obviously working out the strength of each other, like two bears sizing each other up. Izuku noticed the chakra balls around Izumi's neck that slowly orbited around her neck, also those obvious Rinnegan's and her immense chakra that matched him that she had now.

Izuku: Quite a power-up you got there. Where did you get it from?

Izumi: It was a gift from someone important. However, that doesn't matter right now. 

Izumi extended her hand, making one of the orbs on her neck move forward and morph into a black katana that she pointed at Izuku. Making him smirk as he pulled out his katana to match her, its black steel glowing in the afternoon sun. 

Izumi: What matters is me ending your madness, Izuku. Even if that means killing you.

Izumi rushed at Izuku again swinging down at him which he brought up his blade and blocked. Their blades screeched as they cut into each other. Izuku swatted Izumi back with a swing and charged after her making their blades clash against one other as they fought in the wasteland. Even though their warmup looked so intense, to them both it was just a warmup while for others this would have been a fight to the death already. Izuku was honestly impressed that this powerup Izumi received allowed her to be slightly relative to his warmup. 

Izuku: 'Let's see how good this powerup is.' 

Izuku's katana lit on fire surprising Izumi as the blue flames almost immediately scorched her skin just from the approximately alone. She quickly backed away not realizing that was what Izuku wanted. Izuku quickly made several one-handed slashes in the air while making a sign with the other. The slashes of blue flames quickly roared toward Izumi as he aimed the tip of his katana at Izumi while holding it above his head.

Izuku: Hellfire Sword Style-Strings of Hell

Izumi grunted as she quickly slashed each one of the slashes of fire apart absorbing them into her katana. However, as the last slash that was blocking her view was destroyed, Izuku showed he was hiding behind his final slash aiming his katana straight for Izumi's jugular. Izuku was disappointed he thought this was going to actually be a challenge. Izuku's blade however stopped inches from its target as Izumi muttered a phrase Izuku barely heard.

Izumi: Almighty Push.

Izuku was launched back so hard he went through the city's wall and skidded on a street until stopping with a crouching knee. Izuku spat out some blood while giving a slight smirk as Izumi quickly appeared in front of him ready to continue. However, he quickly notices her apprehension about fighting him here. He could make that work.

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