Ch.6 Unknown Origins

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izumi can be seen tending to the unconscious Izuku with wet towel cleaning all the blood off of him and looking for some visible cuts or bruises and cleaning the ones she did find. Satisfied with her work she put Izuku's pajamas on and laid him down on the couch with a blanket, as she kneeled next to him just watching him.

Her face was full of sadness as she watched her sleeping 'brother's' face. Her 'uncle' Aizawa didn't so much as look in Izuku's direction when he guided her home, forcing Izumi to carry the unconscious boy all the way back by herself. After he made sure she got home safe, he left without a single word to where she didn't know and to be honest she didn't care. She only cared about her 'brother' right in front of her and what those eyes mean for his future.

The one thing Izumi didn't understand was how he was one of those....freaks. 

Izumi: 'There all supposed to be dead, from the extermination over 8...years ago. Oh God, he actually is one of them. No wonder the whole village treats him like this. He's from the clan of murderers, rapists and traitors.'

Izumi's thoughts were cut off when she heard rustling from Izuku as he got up with a groan. However, Izumi didn't look up from the floor and instead continued to contemplate her next actions. Izuku sat up rubbing his eyes as he continued to groan in pain.

Izuku: What the hell happened? Last thing I remember....Izumi!

Izuku jumped up completely causing him to collapse in pain. Izumi instantly went to his side and helped him back on the couch and sat next to him as he tried to regain his breathe. Izumi looked at him with a neutral stare as he finally returned to normal.

Izuku: Izumi! Thank god your ok! What happened?

Izumi:....Aizawa-sama saved us after you had passed out from fighting their leader. Izuku awakened-

Izuku looked at her confused until all the memories hit him like a truck causing him to looked away from Izumi in shame. As the memory of what he did to that man started to make him sick, then the red eyes that stared right into his soul. His own eyes.

Izuku sat there in silence as the same memory played over and over in his head. Izuku looked at his hand in disgust until another hand grabbed it giving it a tight squeeze. Izuku looked at his sister who gave him a gentle smile which was the last push it took for Izuku to become a crying mess. Izuku cried and cried not even realizing he had activated his Sharingan. After he finished crying, Izuku looked at the glass coffee table with disgust as two red eyes stared back with the same disgust.

Izuku: So. I'm a Uchiha.

Izumi: Yes and no.

Izuku looked at her with a confused look as she looked at him with a large closed eyed smile.

Izumi: Your Uchiha by blood but a Yagi at heart.

Izumi poked him in the chest while saying that making Izuku give her a small smile as she laughed. No matter what the world said they were still siblings and nothing would change that.


They were interrupted from their sibling moment by the door bursting open with such force that it went flying into the kitchen. Izuku instantly stood up in a guarding poistion in front of Izumi with his Sharingan blazing at the door. However, instantly Izuku collapsed as his body was still exhausted so Izumi stood in front of Izuku.

Toshi and Inko walked through the door with feared filled expressions as they scanned the room. Toshi was wearing his kage cloak that was covered in sand and he looked dirty as if he was running forever. Inko was wearing a fully black anbu uniform with her mask on her waist attached to a string in the design of a dog. Their eyes fell onto the two siblings making them sigh in relief as they approached they stopped in their tracks as they saw Izuku's eyes. Izuku noticed their shocked faces causing him to close his eyes and turn away in shame.

Izuku expected to be hit, maybe with a scolding, for certain kicked out and if he was truly cursed maybe killed. However, he was expecting two pairs of arms to envelop him and Izumi into a tight hug. Izuku felt the tears of his 'parents' as they tightened the hug around them.

Inko: Thank God you two are okay.

Izuku: Why?

Toshi: Huh?

Izuku: Why are you hugging me?

The two adults looked down on the crying Izuku with sad looks as he refused to meet their eyes.

Izuku: I'm a disgrace. I'm from something terrible, I-I don't deserve this.

Izuku felt a finger force his head to look up. He saw his parents look at him with sad smiles as his mother caressed his cheek and brought him into a individual hug.

Inko: Izuku we always knew but we didn't care. Your still our son and pair of fancy eyes won't change that.

Izuku started to cry as the rest of the family joined the hug crushing Izuku. But he didn't care because he was with his family. The family didn't know it yet but those pair of fancy eyes would change the world. Now how were Izuku's friends going to react to the eyes.

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.7 Thank You

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