Ch.46 Final Piece

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Chaos Saga*

*Final Days Arc*

*Narrator POV*

A week had passed since the Fall of Konoha with the remaining shinobi forces gathering in what remained of Kiri due to its natural defenses. In that week, Izuku had not made a single appearance along with Izumi who had also shortly disappeared after the Fall. No one had seen Izuku but they had found the evidence of his carnage from what seemed to be experiments for his power on the unexpecting villages. In contrast, Izumi was training with her new power in a secluded area where no one could reach her. So, the remaining fodder was left to fend for themselves.

The final end for them came when Izuku arrived at the doorstep of Kiri looking up at its wall with cockiness. Around Kiri's wall was a long expanse of nothing like all the trees in the area that just ceased to exist all of a sudden. He waited outside knowing that they knew he was already there. He was hoping Izumi would show up but it seems she wasn't here just yet, well that was fine he could get a little warm-up with the fodder while he waited. Soon enough the walls opened revealing thousands of Shinobi running towards him in one last desperate attempt at killing him.

Izuku smiled as he tossed aside his white cloak to the side revealing a white robe-like outfit underneath that had almost zero protection and revealed his chest which held a black diamond mark where his Byakgyou Seal rested. Izuku rushed towards the army similar to an ancestor of his and started tearing through the army with ease. He was not even bothering to use his blade or kunai instead he was just using his hands or their own weapons against them. Izuku laughed as he slaughtered the fodder with ease.

A punch shattering an entire body, a kick cleaving a head off, a slash slicing people in half, stabs taking off whole appendages. There was nothing that could stop Izuku while in this frenzy, they simply stood no chance against him. Even when started using the jutsu they knew it didn't matter as Izuku quickly destroyed any jutsu with minimal effort. A water bullet aimed at Izuku's head, a simple slash with a picked-up katana could handle it. A Fireball launched at Izuku, a simple kick to the ground along with tossing a body towards it was enough. The only word that could describe what Izuku was doing was Genocide.

Ibara watched this crime from the backlines as she desperately tried to heal any wounded that came to her. Well, the ones that could be saved. Ibara remembered the orders she was given ever since they discovered her Release, never to show anyone unless it was a desperate situation. The last part was taken out completely when Izuku's ability was discovered but now she felt she had no choice but to use it. To save her comrades in the only way she knew how.

She clasped her hands together making the ground shake as large tendrils of wood launched themselves at Izuku. Large trees also started to form as they started glowing green boosting the remaining army members. In a matter of seconds, the battlefield went from a wasteland into a mythical forest. 

Ibara: Wood Release-Mythical Forest of Buddha

As Izuku was wrapped with wooden tendrils allowing the remaining nin to start running at him with new vigor. However, Izuku just laughed cruelly as his EMS activated absorbing the chakra of Wood Release instantly allowing him to force the wood tendrils on him. Izuku slammed his hands together making Ibara's eyes widen in shock as the forest she had created turned on her.

She felt the loss of power as the trees turned on the army it was helping. They didn't stand a chance as the tree branches rocketed down on the unsuspecting army killing all of them in an instant, and all Ibara could do was watch in horror as her mistake killed all of them. Izuku walked up to the defeated Ibara and just gave her a smug grin as he grabbed her by the head. He used a mind jutsu draining all her memories of any Wood Jutsu she knew. Izuku let her go dropping her to the ground and making her pant heavily.

Izuku: Well look at that. You are helpful after all.

Izuku didn't let her retort as he whacked her head off killing her. Izuku began to whistle as he casually wandered through the bloody forest heading towards the city to alleviate his boredom. However, he stopped in his tracks raising an eyebrow as he felt a chakra signature appear in front of him..wait two chakra signatures in front of him.

Shoka emerged from some shrubbery in civilian clothes with a bundle of cloth in her hands. Izuku's black sclera in his eyes lightened a little before hardening once more. A smile crossed his face as he gazed upon his ex-lover while the woman could only hold fear in her heart staring at the man she once loved.

Izuku: Shoka. What are you doing here?

Shoka: Trying one last time to bring my Izuku back.

Izuku: 'And how do you plan on doing that?'

Shoka: By giving you something that we made together. I know he can never replace her but he still is our child.

Izuku's eyes turned white once again as he laid eyes upon a tiny baby in Shoka's arms. He started shaking with tears welling up in his eyes as he tried to walk towards them, his heart broke as Shoka reflexively backed away from him. However, this actually worked in favor to her as this caused Izuku to look at his hands watching them shake with horror.

Izuku: Wha-what am I doing?

'Ah. You gained a bit of yourself back. Well, no matter it's not like you can turn back anymore.'

Izuku's right turned black in its sclera but Izuku tried to fight it as he stared at Shoka with a scared face. Shoka knew she had failed and accepted her fate as she hugged her child closer, at least she was able to see her Izuku one last time.

Izuku: what...what is...his name?

Izuku asked with a strained face. Shoka smiled at the Izuku she loved and tried to fight whatever was inside him.

Shoka: His name is Ichiki. 

Izuku: Sh-Shoka...I lo-

Shoka: I know Izuku. I love you too.

Izuku lost control soon after as his eyes got coated with black sclera once again. Not even a second later Izuku activated his Amaretsu killing the last remnants of his past holding him back. Izuku wiped the blood from his eyes as he continued on his way to the city, now he was going to use it to vent instead. Izuku didn't make it to the city as a large explosion occurred in front of him making him shield his eyes from the dust. The dust settled revealing Izumi glaring at him with the Rinnegan glowing a bright purple, her outfit was the Kage cape with a black battle dress underneath.

The two stared at each other with complete seriousness as they fell into stances. A word didn't need to be said between the two, they both knew the importance of this battle. Now the only thing that needed to be said was when to start. The fall of a leaf was what started the battle as the two fated warriors clashed in the middle of the forest.

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.47 Battle for the World

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