Ch.29 Two More

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I Only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Tailed Beast Saga*

*End of the Two Tailed Arc*

*Narrator POV*

*1 day since last chapter*

It was dark and damp in the cavern with the only source of light being the torched lining the walls and the glowing red seals circling the small cavern and on the slab in the middle of the room. On the slab was chained up Nejire with the black chains having a red hue to them showing they also had seals on them. Izuku was not far from the slab fixing the final seals for the extraction, he looked to Nejire and felt a sadness for her. She had woken up a hour ago but she has not said a word or even tried to escape, all she did was stare at the ceiling; waiting. Until she spoke for the first time.

"Why are you doing this?" Izuku didn't respond as he instead moved around the room checking the seals making sure they were all in working order. "Who are you?" Izuku was going to ignore her again but stopped as he knew that wasn't fair to her after what he did. She was scared even if she tried to hide it he could still hear the quiver in her voice, she didn't ask for this and didn't deserve this but it's still necessary. So he released a heavy tired sigh and turned to her. "Like I told you before, I want to free the prisoner inside of you. You are just a unfortunate casualty of fate." Nejire responded immediately. "Than what about Tamaki?" even though she asked it without any emotion Izuku could feel the anger and contempt aimed at him, he turned from her and knelt fixing a seal. "I needed to get you angry and use the Bijuu's chakra to weaken the seal. His death was something I knew that would help push you over the edge." it was silent for a second before Izuku spoke again. "For that I am sorry."

Nejire ignored the apology as she poked further into the truth. "Why free an uncontrollable beast?" "They are only uncontrollable because they have a soul just like you and me. They have their own free will, a will to be free. No one deserves a life of imprisonment just because they have a great power, to be siphoned like a battery forever." "They have a-" "Yes. They have a soul, a personality, dreams. That is why I will free them all." Izuku turned back to Nejire while taking his mask off making her eyes go wide as she recognized the face. 

"I will accomplice this no matter the cost. I'm sorry it had to be like this. I hope your soul finds peace Nejire Hado." Izuku started running through handsigns signaling the beginning of the extraction. Even though knowing this was her last moments, Nejire didn't show a ounce of fear nor felt fear any longer instead laying back and closing her eyes accepting her reality. Izuku slapped his hands together beginning the process.


*2 hours later*

Mirio had just finished his report to the council of Konoha with his arm bandaged up and in a sling. Next to him was Team 3 who were relatively healthy but were shaken by the event. They were in a underground room with the only lights being the light panels on the ceiling. In front of them was a curved conference table consisting of the 13 members of the Konoha council. In the middle was the Hokage: Toshinori Yagi, on his right the Shadow Hokage: Shota Aizawa, on the left Head of Anbu: Inko Yagi, the rest as followed Head of T&I: Kaina Tsutsumi, Head Advisor: Sir Nighteye, Head of Hospital: Chiyo Shuzenji, Head of Spies: Keigo Takami, Head of War: Shik Nara, Head of Treasury: Shon Hyuga, Head of Technology Advancement: David Shield, Head of Foreign Affairs: Inasa Yoarashi, Head of Clans: Naru Uzumaki, and finally Head of Civilians: Saiko Intelli. 

"The Flying Rajin Technique, Kirin, Sand Release, Lightning Style, Immense Genjutsu ability, Earth Style, an unknown S-class Water Jutsu and a Cat Summon." said Aizawa as he digested this information finding it absurd but knowing it must be true. "What the hell is this guy? A monster?" asked Keigo with a shiver, that's when Mirio spoke up. "That's what it felt like Keigo-sama. Just being in the same area as him made me feel like he could kill me at anytime he felt like. Like I was facing a walking disaster that had one goal in mind." said Mirio with cold voice.

Toshinori fixed the memory scroll on the projector allowing them to see what Mirio saw. The screen changed until it landed on a man standing over the corpse of Tamaki with a blank mask staring straight into the screen or Mirio's eyes. Some of the council couldn't help but shiver at the coldness of the mask. Aizawa scanned the screen and could swear he saw a hint of red behind those eyeholes making him go into deep thought. Now the main problem came into light how can do anything against a man they know nothing about.


Izuku yanked the last spike out of Matatabi and took a step back with a huff. Yet, he was worried for the whole time of the procedure Matatabi had not moved once or even acknowledged his presence. Once done he took a step forward to check to make sure but in a instant he was cleaved in two by her claws revealing she was faking it. Izuku opened his eyes showing he was in the Cat Summon's main cavern where Raiden was looking at him intently. A loud boom followed not long after making Izuku sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You better calm your wife down before she destroys the whole island." said Izuku which Raiden immediately left the cavern.

Izuku the reunion of the two lovers with a smile as they circled each other. He looked to where he performed the extraction and frowned as he saw the body of Nejire amongst the rubble, lifeless. Izuku picked up the body bridal style and a thought came to his mind as he put his mask back on. He disappeared in a black flash and was now in the middle of Konoha right in front of the tower. He laid the body down gently and disappeared before he got noticed.

'She deserves at least that much.'

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch. 30 Mist

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