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You arrived in LA three days go, Lauren had met you at the airport and you guys took a taxi back to hers after getting a coffee and a bite to eat.
You spend the rest of the day at Lauren's having a little girls pamper night since it was 6pm when you got into la and the jet lag was kicking your ass.
The second day you and Lauren went on a shopping spree, she insisted she pay for everything which you wasn't happy about since she paid for you to come to la.
You went into hot topic to satisfy your edgy emo 14 year old self.
"While we're here we should get a piercing" Lauren says wiggling her eyebrows.
"Hell to the no" you say shaking your head
"Oh pleaseeee we would look super cute and  they do piercing here and if you don't like it you can always take it out"
You thought about it for a second before agreeing "okay fine but i have no idea what to get"
"We would look super super super cute with a nose piercing"
You nod.
Lauren makes you go first since she didn't want you to back out after her.
After impulsively getting a piercing you and Lauren went grocery shopping where you acted like a kid in a candy store
Lauren giggles "why are you so excited"
"Look at the size of this shit" you pic up a milk bottle that was big as your head "in the uk we have scrawny bottles heck this would last me a whole month" then you run to a different isle "omg i thought these only existed in movies" you squealed two people that were next to you gave you a weird look.
Lauren smiles at them "she's from England" they nod "that explains it" one of them mutters.
"Anyways I'm excited because you guys have the coolest shit ever but god its so unhealthy" you say answering Lauren's question.
After more shopping you and lauren go back to hers.
You help her prepare food and while that was cooking you and her take her dog for a walk down the beach.
The third day you and lauren spent the whole day at universal studios before going out for a few drinks on the night.

Present day
You got woken up by pepper licking your face
You groan. "Stop girl" you say before sitting up and stretching.
You yawn and get up making your way downstairs where youre greeted by lauren making breakfast
"Good morning" she says while plating some eggs
"Morning" you say sitting on a stool.
Lauren gives you a plate of food before sitting next to you.
"So whats the plan for today" you ask Lauren
She takes a minuet to reply "um..a friend is coming over to talk then we'll see what happens from there"
You nod ignoring the weird vibe that was coming from Lauren "what time are they coming" you ask since you want to look presentable when this friend comes.
Lauren looks at her watch before replying "say in 30-40 minutes" you nod and finish your breakfast before heading back upstairs.

Showered and dressed you go down stairs
"Lauren" you call out
No answer
You look down to pepper "where's your mommy girl" pepper just stares at you.
Ah yes because a dog is going to tell me where she is
After 5 minutes Lauren comes in from outside
"Oh there you are" you say and Lauren smiles at you
"Y/n I need you to do a favour for me I've just forgot my phone in the sun house can you go get it for me I need to feed pepper before she goes into a mood"
Why is she acting weird
"Uh sure" you say before heading out to the sun house
You open the door and you're lightly pushed in
"What the fuck" you say turning around to see Lauren lock the door from the outside trapping you in.

Whoever is still reading this fic I hope 2023 treats you well(unless you're one of my exes then I hope your pets eat you in you're  asleep❤️)

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