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This is kinda just a little epilogue of the last chapter sort of thing, it's more like a small flit into Draco's mind and to see the closeness of the pair after all the events that had tried to split them up sort of things (it's deinitely not that I missed writing this story and just wanting one last cute scene between them ... nope ... definitely not ...)

"I love you, Potter," Draco whispered, choking on his words in an effort to stay dry-eyed.

Harry beamed at him, pressing his forehead gently against the blond boy's. "I love you too, Draco," he replied. "It seems crazy, doesn't it, that we used to hate each other and now we're a family."

"I don't think I ever really hated you - not truly - I mean, yeah you could be a complete arse at times, but I always forgave you."

Harry's brow creased and Draco found himself laughing at his hurt expression. "You weren't exactly pleasant all the time either. I remember that duel in the girls bathrooms, I thought you were going to kill me!"

"Oh, I know, I was a total dick to you most of the time, but I suppose now I look back, I was just confused. I mean, the very first time I set eyes on you, I felt something strongly for you. I dismissed it as hate to begin with, but it was never hate."

"There's a thin line between love and hate, Draco," Harry replied and his lover raised an eyebrow, shaking his head.

"What is it with you muggle-borns and all these stupid sayings? I grew up with things like don't tickle a sleeping dragon or don't get your broomstick in a twist, but yours are just ridiculous. They make no sense! Love and hate are two very different things."

"Not really if you think about it. Love is a very strong and powerful feeling as is hate. It can be perfectly easy to get them mixed up."

Draco shook his head fondly at him. "Muggles," he said with a sigh. "You'll never make sense to me."

"Well you're a pureblood and a very narrowminded one at that."

Malfoy scowled playfully. "Ouch, love, you wound me with your words."

Harry shook his head fondly. "You're a jerk," he remarked.

Ensnaring the Chosen One in his arms, resting his forehead against his. "Aah, but I'm your jerk, Potter." Malfoy kissed him gently on the lips, running his hand tenderly along his cheek as he stared deeply into his perfect green eyes. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

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