Not Dead Yet

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Very slowly, I moved, taking little steps towards Nathan. He notices me and then points the gun at my head.

"Stop moving!"

I put my arms up in defense, frightened.

"Stay where you are!"

I stayed completely still, not wanting my head to get blown off. Corey being here would just be perfect right now. But he wasn't.

"Now you two get side by side. Or we are going to have complications."

Walking over to Michael was hard because it felt as if my legs were weighing me down. Keeping me from being able to walk. I grabbed ahold of his hand, trying to be brave in this situation. Just remember that I was tough and not weak. There was no reason to be afraid right now. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath.

"Go in the direction where I point my gun. If any sudden movement, you're brains are getting blown out. Do you understand?!"

"Yes. Aiden, you don't have to do this."

"I Do. You killed my friends. Now you will suffer the consequences. By the end of tonight, you'll both be dead."

He hasn't mentioned Corey at all. That just made me fear the worst. Corey was a tough guy, he was alright. Aiden probably just got away from him is all.

"Go that way."

When none of us moved, he pointed his gun to the sky and fired a warning shot.


That was most likely the shot that brought Corey to us. If only he could hear it. We could really use him. Aiden kept the gun pointed at us as we kept walking. We we're going the opposite away from home. There's no way he could find us now. He'd have to be one hell of a tracker. That was not one of his specialties. Aiden stopped us as we came across a river bank. He was distracted trying to find a way across. While he was doing that, Michael went over to him. Aiden saw him and aimed his gun at him. Before he could move it to face Michael's head, Michael grabbed ahold of him, pushing his arm upwards as the gun fired. Aiden yelled his head off, trying to get out of the tight grip Michael had on him. He squeezed his hand, breaking it and making the gun fall into the river with a splash.


"Get him, Michael! Kill him!"

It was exhilarating as I watched him grab his leg and drag him over into the water. No matter how hard he kicked and flung his arms around, he was not getting away. Michael was out to kill. He grabbed his head, pushing him face-first into the water. Aiden flailed his arms, trying to get a breath of air. With no luck, his whole body went limp as Michael drowned him.

"Good job, Mikey."

It's been awhile since I called him by that nickname. Don't think he really minded it.

"You just saved us."

I go up to him and give him a kiss where his lips would be on his mask. It was quite filthy, but I didn't mind. I didn't mind a lot of things.

"Not dead yet, are we, Mikey?"

Not feeling afraid anymore, I brought up my hand, grabbing ahold of his mask. I slid it off his head with little to no ease. He let me do just that. Leaning up I take his lips into mine. He slid his tongue across my lower lip, begging for entry. Opening my mouth, he stuck his tongue in fighting for dominace. Tripping on a rock sent us both to the ground in the water. Michael was flat against me, and I could feel his hard on again pressing against me. A moan slipped from my mouth as he rutted against me trying to relive some preassure.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now