Chapter 15- The Truth

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Amy's POV

'Where am I?' I asked myself. It was all dark and lonely here. As if I was trapped inside a room without any source of light. I wasn't able to move at all. I couldn't even lift a finger.

The room suddenly got some light, no, it wasn't the place the got light, it was as if I transported to another place. 'Am I going back?' I asked myself.

Suddenly I saw a guy's back who had long blonde hair and was wearing a captains haori. "Am I in the soul society? And is that Shinji?!" I said while running towards him. I put my hand on his shoulder but I went through him and fell on the ground.

I looked up and saw that it Shinji looking around as if he was waiting for someone. I stood up and saw him looking ahead of me with a smile. I turned and saw it was Genrei Kuchiki, along with Byakuya Kuchiki and a girl around his age, with black hair till her shoulders and brown eyes and was around 4"6,who looked like ME WHEN I WAS YOUNG?

'That has to be Misa' I said to myself. The girl looked shy and was playing with her fingers. She was really cute.

Shinji and the Kuchiki's met and started talking among themselves. I couldn't hear anything as if everything was on mute. I saw Genrei Kuchiki pointing towards Misa and Shinji started smiling while putting his hand on the top of her head and ruffling it.

She looked up and smiled at him with a blush on her face.

Suddenly the room got dark again. 'What in the world is happening with me?' I thought and suddenly I was somewhere else again.

I saw Shinji and Misa walking together while laughing and smiling. It looked like they were having a good time. I smiled at them with a blush, I mean she looked like me so I imagined myself in her position.

Suddenly Shinji put his arms around her and pulled her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and was saying something which I COULDNT hear.

Misa closed her eyes and after a while Shinji started pulling away and realized that Misa had fallen asleep in his arms. He just shook his head and carried her in bridal style.

The vision got dark again and then it got bright again. I saw Misa sitting near a tree alone, 'weird, usually I see her with Shinji' I thought while walking towards her and saw that she was crying and was muttering something. I tried lip reading and she was saying 'Shini' not Shinji. Must be his nickname.

It got dark again and then bright. *sigh* it was damn irritating. The next thing I saw was Misa, she looked exactly like I look now, with Shinji, with shoulder length hair with straight bangs over his eyes. Misa's arms were around his neck and Shinji's arms were around her waist. They both looked really really happy.

When they pulled away, Misa got stabbed in her stomach, by Shinso, Gin Ichimaru's sword. Everyone's eyes widened except Gin's. Gin started saying something while holding Misa in her arms. He said something to Gin and started running while carrying her.

I followed them and midway Misa started disappearing. She said something while smiling towards him while Shinji was staring at her with worry and sadness. She put her arms around her neck and just as he put his around her she totally disappeared.

He just sat on the ground while looking at it with wide eyes.

It got totally dark again. The next time it got bright was when I was in my inner world.

I spotted Fu leaning against a tree with closed eyes and arms crossed. I walked towards him. "Fu" I said. "Hmm, I know you're here" he said while standing straight and opening his eyes to look at me.

"Why was I having those, dreams, flashbacks, visions, whatever it was?" I asked.

"That's because, Amy Stevenson, you are, Misa Kuchiki" he said seriously. "W-what?" I asked with wide eyes. "Its true, in those flashbacks you saw Misa disappearing, not dying, those were some of your important flashbacks, they are your past. You are originally from this world, not that one. Its been a really long time since you had wielded me you know" he said while smiling a bit.

I just looked down and nodded. 'Was everything there fake? Do I really belong here? Am I really Misa?' Questions like these wandered in my wind.

A/N- 80+ reads! OMG! Thank you all for reading it! If you have a request to make a story of someone from bleach then you can tell me :) I'll try to do it after finishing this one.

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