They remind me of you 🐝❤️

530 15 40

TWS: crying, swearing, blood and gun shots :(
This was my idea!

Ranboo ~ 18
Tubbo ~ 17
They are togetherrrr <3

This one is sad you guys :,(
Ranboo pov🌈

"Tubbo, baby! Where's my shoes??!"


Tubbo peeked around the corner of the doorway with a huge smirk on his face.

"Shut up you weirdo."

I threw a shirt at him and he laughed.

"I think there downstairs. I'm going to go get a biscuit! My mom made them and they are SO GOOD."

He raced downstairs with a evil cackle. I just rolled my eyes and giggled. I followed him and soon found my white sneakers. "You ready to go, baby?" I asked Tubbo. He nodded and grabbed my hand with a biscuit in his mouth.

We're going on a walk to the gas station.

It's pretty sketchy since it's at night but we'll be fine!

As we walked to the gas station we started talking about random things. Until this one conversation got brought up,

"Do you believe in re-Carnation?" the short boy asked me, squeezing my hand slightly. He looked up to me and I looked down to him.

"Uh...yeah! I do. What about you?"

"I do."

"Oh? What do you think you'll be?"

"Hm...I think....a bee."

"Classic Tubbo."

He playfully punched my shoulder and I dramatically fell. "Oh my god! You hurt me so bad!!! I think I'm dying!!!" "Shut up you prick!" He said in between laughs. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down onto me. "IF wE gO dOWn thEn wE Go dOWn TOGEthEr!!" I sang, pretending to have a voice cracks.

"Oh my god!" he laughed even more.

I loved it when he laughed.

It makes me smile..

"Get up you teddy bear." He helped me up. We continued walking and continued talking about random stuff. Until we finally arrived at the gas station.

We popped inside for a second to grab some chips and a drink. Once we paid we bolted out the door laughing. We didn't know what was so funny. We're just weird like that I guess?

"I saw this sketchy ass ally way on the way here! Wanna sit down in there and eat our chips?"

Tubbo said while smiling.

"Why not."


"Here it is! Come on!!!"

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