Sick bee🐝 :(

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TWS: swearing I think?
Sick au!

This was my idea :)))
Ranboo ~ not sick
Tubbo ~ sick
Tommy ~ he's there :)
They are together <33

Hope you enjoy this short au!
Btw I made this bc I am currently sick sooooo yeah :>
Tubbo pov⭐️

I woke up in a cold sweat.

My eyes slowly opened, a pain in my head immediately hitting me like I got hit in the head with a ball.

I rubbed my eyes, all of a sudden getting a wave of tiredness.

I looked to my side and saw Ranboo sleeping peacefully. I quietly got up, trying my best not to wake up Ranboo. I quickly rushed over to the bathroom, placing my hands on the sink. There was this throbbing pain in my head. And I noticed I had a sore throat and a plugged nose.

I looked all over the bathroom for some medicine but we didn't have any.

I whispered in pain as I got struck with another throbbing pain in my head.

Just then, I heard Ranboo knocking on my door.

"Honey..what are doing up so late..?"

I opened the door and hugged them tightly.

"Hey, what's wrong, sweetie?"

"I don't feel good...and we don't have any medicine.." I let go of them and they went into the cupboards and took out a thermometer and took my temperature. It read 101. "Aw...poor thing. Your running a fever."

I groaned and leaned up against them.

They wrapped their hands around my waist and placed small kisses on my head.

"You should get some sleep. I'm going to go some medicine, alright? Call me if you need anything and I'll come right home."

I nodded my head and got into bed, allowing Ranboo to tuck me in. They kissed me one last time on my forehead and left. I couldn't really sleep because of the pain I was experiencing in my body right now. I just laid in bed with my eyes closed. Soon enough, Ranboo came back with medicine and fed me some.

We then went back to sleep.


"Do you want me to get some boba?"

I nodded my head with a smile.

"Alright. You want me to make you blueberry? Since it's your favorite flavor."

"Yes please! Thank you boo." I blew him a kiss and he returned it with his adorable smile.

Once they left to the kitchen I just sat in bed until they came back with my boba. It felt good in my hands because it was cold. "Thank you for taking care of me, boo." I kissed them on their cheek as they sat down with me. "No problem honey." They held me close in their safe arms.

For a second I forgot where I was.

I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

I remember hearing Ranboo say, "goodnight my love."

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ another time skip, I know :P

My eyes opened and darted around the room.

It was suddenly...


Where'd they go?

Did they leave?

Where am I?

I sprung up, feeling very tipsy for some reason.

My nose stung and my head hurt like a bitch.

Where the fuck are they?

Ranboo walked in and my eyes lit up. I raced over to them, almost knocking the tall boy over. "Woah! Someone is clingy, ay?" I just hugged them tighter. We stayed like this for a while until I asked them if we could watch the office. They of course said yes and they got us set up with a blanket and the computer.

We sat close to each other, our thighs touching.

I sipped on my boba a bit more.

The lights were off, the office was playing, I was leaning on my beloved, they were basically wrapped around me, what could go wrong?


Tommy you bitch.

I rolled my eyes and fell backwards, the bed comforting me.

"Tommy. Tubbo is sick. You coming in here and being loud like a WHORE is not going to HELP." Ranboo snapped.

"Well...move your asses over. I'm staying here then." He got in the middle of us and me and Ranboo just went with it. For the rest of the night we watched random shows.

I was fun!

And I was starting to feel better.


Words: 769

I'm so sorry this one was late :(
I was rushing to get this finished and my head hurt the whole time while making this-

And yes I have a fever :,(

Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
Have a good day/evening/night
Bye darlings! <3

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