Never More?

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Everything was exquisite, I was to go back to Nevermore for the next semester in a week, and I couldn't be more thrilled. To get back to school, and all of the chaos that came right along with it.

"Wednesday I have some good news!" My ears bled at the sound of excitement coming from my mother.

"I'll be the judge of that" I said throwing the last bit of clothes into my trunk for school.

"They've asked me to be the new principal! since Larissa met her untimely death" she said looking at me as if I should feel guilty. I didn't feel guilty, Weems did what she had to do for her school.

"You'll never fill those shoes, no matter how hard you try" her expression lightened.

"Now finish packing because we'll be heading to Jericho tomorrow, so I can plan ahead and we can get settled. You'll be in Ophelia hall again this year" she said walking out of the room.

My mothers action were heinous, she was doing this on purpose. She wanted to watch my every move, but I wasn't going to let her get away with it.

I texted Enid immediately.

W: my mother has ravaged my plans at ever having a life.

E: Why what did she do? 🤔

W: I do not have time for your ridiculous pictures! This is an emergency. They've asked her become head master of Nevermore!!!

E: 😬

I rolled my eyes at the sight of another insipid little picture. Why must she irritate me more than I already am. But I will admit, I couldn't wait to tyrannize her all year long.

"Thing! Remind me to suffocate Enid as soon as we see her peppy little face" he laid himself flat on the ground in defeat.

"Don't even, I can treat her as poorly as I please, she was my friend first" he just turned and walked out of the room.

I finished packing and sat back down on my phone, to text Xavier.

W: You'll be happy to know that, I will in fact be attending Nevermore this semester

X: Awesome!! That's great!!! I can't wait to see you on Monday....

W: I wish I could say the same.

X: So do you know what there going to do about Weems?

W: Don't even ask

I laid my phone down in defeat and stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom. How was I to break my mother? To make her think she couldn't do it. I guess that was my first hurdle of the year to concur, and I love a good challenge.

The next morning mother and I kissed Pugsley and and father goodbye, before making our way to Jericho. The whole ride there was silent. Once Lurch had unpacked all our belongings out of the car, me and mother went or separate ways. I made way up to Ophelia hall and up to our bedroom. Where I unpacked and readied myself for the semester ahead.

W: I've arrived at this behemoth prison we call a school.

E: Ahh!! Your there?!?!

W: Obviously, must you be so incompetent?

E: not sure what that word means, but yes. I must.

I caught myself smirking at her lack of timorous towards me. She had nothing to fear of me, and she knew it.

W: I hate you

E: now what did I do?

W: you made me smile, and you know I despise such an expression.

E: you know it's a lot easier to make you smile then some might guess.

I frowned at her comment.

W: when are you to arrive?

E: on Sunday, my train from San Francisco leaves on Saturday. What are you excited to see me or something ❤️

W: No! I was just wondering because if your not going to show, I'm going to take the rest of the contact paper off of the window.


W: I will

E: Wednesday! Don't! 🤬

Getting under her skin made me cringe with contentment.

W: Fine.

E: I knew you were a softie 😏

W: refer to me as a 'softie' again and that contact paper won't be the only thing to be ripped from you!

E: okay, okay, but hey, I can't wait to see your lifeless face!!!

W: dido

E: That might of been the nicest thing you've ever said to me

I rolled my eyes and got up off of my bed, approaching my type writer I drew a blank. I was having trouble writing lately. It seemed like ever since last semester, I have had some type of writers block. Nothing I can't regulate with a bit of fun. My thoughts went straight to my mother. What was her forethought, I wondered? Did she even have a plan on such short cognizance? Another thing we would have to find out.

I made my way towards Weems's office and I felt pity. A feeling recently developed. It disgusted me. Weems was noble in her time, and for that I will have upmost respect.

"Knock knock" I said in monotone

"Wednesday, hello dear" my mother greeted.

"So have you came up with your plan to run Nevermore and this chauvinistic town into the ground yet?" I ask

"That was never the plan, I've actually got plans for all sorts of things, but that's unimportant to you I'm sure" she smirked. Did she know what I was doing? I wasn't sure so I dug a little deeper.

"On the contrary, I'd love to hear all about the..wonderful things you have planned" i gritted my teeth, with disgust at the hospitality I had shown.

"Well if you really want to know, my first order of business actually was concerning you. I got ahold of the sheriff and made sure his son was no longer able to contact you" my heart sank, another rare sensation.

"And what did he have to say?" I asked.

"That Tyler was being held in facility outside of town, and that he would not be able to reach you for a very long time" she smiled.

"Good" I smirked at thought of him being confined. I hoped he was miserable.

I hope you guys enjoyed and please leave a rating and comment!!! Thank you for reading!!!

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