31 - The Field Work

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"Hey everyone! The grades are finally up!" A boy yelled, slamming the door to the classroom open.

"Wait, seriously?!" Almost all of the boys jumped to their feet and rushed out of the classroom, while the girls giggled, talking to each other as they took their time.

Only one person was left in the classroom. He had medium length, slightly spiky hair and an athletic body. He slowly stood up, grabbed his bag, and walked out of his classroom. As he went through the hallways, he ignored the people that would murmur and glance at him.

He made it to where the large crowd was. People moved out of the way as he arrived, allowing him to see where he placed on the tests. And like always, his name was at the top.

1 - Sora Sawai

~~ May 3, 2019 ~~
~ Chiyo Corp HQ ~

Sora walked through the doors of Chiyo Corp's HQ. He wore a black suit and a yellow tie, which matched with his professionally done black hair. He walked up to the receptionist, who glanced up to look at him.

"Eh...um..." Sora awkwardly smiled, before he took a deep breath, resetting, and when he smiled again his smile was no longer awkward, but rather bright and shining. "Hello there. I'm here for my internship at Chiyo Corp."

The receptionist looked at him for a second, before she clicked on the computer a couple times. "Sora Sawai?" She asked.

"Yes." Sora nodded.

"Alright, I'll let her know you're here." The receptionist stated. She grabbed the phone, dialing in a number as she put it to her ear. "Ms. Chiyo? The intern is here."

The receptionist paused for a moment as she listened to the feminine voice from the phone. Sora tried to listen in, but he couldn't hear what she was saying.

"She'll see you now." The receptionist stated as she placed down the phone. "Head up to floor 13. Her office is there."

"Thank you." Sora nodded. He walked over to the elevator, got into the first one that arrived, and started to head towards floor 13.

He was nervous. His hands were shaking a little. He didn't want to see her again. But this was the only way. He needed to help Hiro as soon as he could. He wanted to see Hiro again. Alive, and well.

He hadn't stepped a foot outside since that day. He was much paler than before. He wasn't nearly as athletic since his middle and high school years, but he was in shape due to exercises he did every day in his room. If anything, he was stronger, but not as flexible as before. He definitely couldn't play baseball to the level he could before.

Was it a shame? That he became a shut-in? Everybody seemed to think so. Everybody that had thought they knew him. But he didn't care. Instead, he developed some new skills, and he was determined to put them to use.

He was going to finish this. For his best friend.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened at floor 13. He took one final deep breath, and then walked onto the floor. He headed to the room which held the name 'Konami Chiyo' on a plaque next to the door.

He went to go knock, only to pause as his fist floated right before the door. Then he gathered his courage and with a face full of determination he knocked.

"Come in." An agonizingly familiar voice said.

Sora opened the door, closing it behind him to see Konami sitting behind the desk. Her laptop was pushed to the side and various papers were spread about her desk, yet her eyes were locked onto Sora.

She smiled as she saw him enter. "Please, take a seat." She gestured to the chair in front of her desk.

Sora walked over to the chair, sitting down in it. He masked his anxiety and hate with a light smile that matched Konami's own. Who knew what she truly thought having him here.

"Thank you for finally accepting my offer." Konami stated. "After five years I had thought you'd never take it."

"It's a wonderful opportunity." Sora carefully chose the words he had mulled about the past couple days. He was prepared for anything Konami said. "I was just waiting until I had the skills to exceed in it."

"That's a good thought." Konami nodded. "I like your idea of waiting. It matches my own philosophy. You know that one American saying, how slow and steady wins the race?"

"Yes, I've heard of that one." Sora replied.

"Just like that." Konami stated. "My only advice is to be careful. Some opportunities don't last forever."

"Thank you for the advice, and for waiting." Sora smiled.

He hated this. He wanted to hit her so badly.

"It's not a problem." Konami replied. "You're more than what you seem at first. I'm sure you'll be quite valuable to our company. Besides, I owed you for your help five years ago."

Ah yes, his help. Sora's greatest regret.

"Well, I suppose now I should be showing you where you'll work and how this will go." Konami stated. "Do good enough and you'll land yourself a good-paying job for life. Im sure you will."

She stood up, walking past Sora and to the door. "Well, come on." Konami continued.

Sora nodded, standing up and walking towards Konami. As they left the room, Sora gave one final glance to Konami's office.

His eyes watched her vacant laptop.

. . .

Hiro and Mei sat on the bus, barely illuminated by the dim light above them. Outside was completely dark, otherwise than the occasional light and the bright stars in the sky.

The bus drove across a lone road seemingly in the middle of nowhere, no other cars driving with it at this time of night.

Mei was asleep, laying her head against Hiro's shoulder. Hiro uncomfortably sat rigid, gazing out of the window. While one would think he'd be looking at the blank, dark scenery, rather he was looking at his own reflection.

Into himself.

What was he going to do?

Saki's sudden visit had made Hiro once again think about Sora. Hiro wished he could see Sora again. To have another fun day with his best friend. He had buried those desires long ago, not wanting to hurt from knowing he'd never see him again.

But Saki has brought all of that back to Hiro's forefront. Hiro hoped Sora was doing okay. That his supposed "death" hadn't hurt him too badly. After all, Sora only knew him for a month.

Even if they had become decent friends in that time, there was no way it could've hurt Sora too badly...Hiro was just a random nobody in his life.

Yet it hurt Hiro so much.

He put his head in his hands, fighting back the urge to cry. How pathetically weak he was.

If he somehow made it out of this situation, out of this hell of a life...the first thing he'd do was reunite with Sora.

But until then...

He was on the run.

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