21 - The Attempt

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Yanemi stood outside, standing in front of a limo. Hiro slowly opened the door, before shuffling his way outside, primal fear flooding his veins. Every single piece of him was telling him to run, but instead his body stiffly approached Yanemi.

"Hello there." She greeted.

'That bitch!' Akari grit her teeth angrily, secretly watching from the window.

"What do you want?" Hiro's words barely came out as a whisper.

"I just want to hang out with you a little bit. Nothing more, nothing less." She smiled at him. He couldn't tell what laid behind it. "While I was driven here I saw a park nearby. Let's go walk there."

Hiro stayed silent, letting Yanemi lead him to the park. He hated this. What was she going to do? Were they really just hanging out? Was she lying? Would they go further?

His heart rapidly bounced around from sheer terror, as it if it was trying to bust its way out of his chest and run away.

As Akari watched the two go to the park, she knew she needed to do something. She needed to do something about that damn woman.

As much as she hated the thought, only one idea came to mind. And that was to fight fire with fire.

                       ~~ April 17, 2014 ~~
                   ~ Uddoforu Academy ~

The next day Hiro was absent once again. Sora anxiously tapped his fingers against his desk. What if something had happened to Hiro? After what happened to Daisuke a couple days ago, everybody at the school couldn't help but be on edge, Sora included.

Sora shouldn't worry so much. It was unlikely that Hiro was murdered by this new killer. That's what Sora kept telling himself, almost like he was forcing himself to believe it.

Like the past couple of days, today was uneventful for Sora. Honestly, he had started to feel lonely recently. The baseball team had kind of broken up with what happened to Daisuke, and he felt like he was slowly drifting away from Hiro.

He probably deserved it.

Yanemi was once again absent, further worrying the students, but Hana assured them that Yanemi was alright and that the two were frequently texting.

While another normal day, it was a very tense one. It was only until lunch when something happened. Sora slowly looked up, seeing two different girls standing in front of him.

"Uh...hello?" He greeted.

"Hello." Mei Meishu nodded.

"Hey there!" Hana Oen winked.

"Is Himitsu/Himu-Himu alright?" The two asked at the same time, before looking at each other in confusion.

"What do you want with Himitsu?" Mei questioned, narrowing her eyes at the gyaru.

"I was just wondering if everything was alright with him." Hana replied. "He's been absent twice, and I want to play Dungeon Demons with him."

"I don't know." Sora sweatdropped. "I texted him some times, but he hasn't responded. I'm a little worried."

Mei and Hana's faces became uneasy.

"Well, I'm sure he's fine!" Hana clapped her hands, trying to ease away their worries. "Maybe he slept in or his phone died."

"You're probably right." Mei nodded. "However, I will be checking on him as soon as school ends." She turned to Sora. "What is his address?"

'Should I tell her?' Sora worriedly thought. What if Konami found out? She would see the footage, so as long as he didn't enter with them then it would probably be fine. He quickly looked around, no Konami in sight.

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