15 - The Scheme

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"So, what did you need help buying?" Hiro asked as the two walked through the mall.

"Well, first is clothes." Yanemi stated. "But there's a majority of stores I'd like to visit."

'Oh god.' Hiro groaned inwardly to himself. 'Just don't think too much about it...'

~~ April 13, 2014 ~~
~ The Mall ~

It didn't take long for Hiro to guide Yanemi to the clothing store she wanted to go to. As much as he wanted to leave then, she had other stores she also wanted to visit, which meant he'd be leaving her lost if he left.

'I hate this...' He blushed as he walked through the women's store. There were dresses, shorts, shirts, hats, and more. But unfortunately there were also bras and panties and other items that Hiro didn't want to look at.

'I'm literally the only male in here right now.' Hiro nervously thought. 'I shouldn't be here.'

"Ooh, this is good!" Yanemi stated, grabbing a yellow and white dress with some frills. "And it's in my size too!"

Yanemi hummed to herself, continuing to look through the store as Hiro silently followed behind her. He would have rather waited outside, but Yanemi dragged him with her for some reason.

He didn't understand why she was having him go with her. It's not like she could get lost inside of a single store. She should be doing a trip like this with one of her friends, like Hana.

Yanemi proceeded to grab multiple more items, hanging them on her arm as she continued to look. Her eyes caught onto a fallen shirt, causing her to bend over to grab it.

Unfortunately for Hiro, Yanemi's skirt was short. Short enough that as she bent downwards, it started to raise on her protruding butt. Any second now and he would be able to see her-

'Absolutely not!' Hiro inwardly screamed, jerking his head away. Despite his neutral face, he was obviously flustered with how he quickly looked away. 'I'm a good man! And I'm taken! So double no!'

Yanemi silently giggled to herself, glancing backwards at Hiro's reaction. She was definitely making him aware of her, and this was only the first attack. Of course he looked away, a gentleman like him would always do that. But his reaction told Yanemi all she wanted. That even if he was a good guy and had a girlfriend, he still found her attractive.

She couldn't help but grin to herself as she placed the dropped shirt back onto the shelf. She combed through the items she had on her, before nodding to herself.

"All right, now to test these out." She stated. She turned to Hiro, who had finally turned back to her as his blush died down. "I need your opinion on these."

"You want mine..?" Hiro questioned, a sinking feeling of worry pooling in his mind.

"Of course! I need somebody to see if they're cute enough so I can wear them to school." Yanemi stated. "I always strive to look my best."

Yanemi grabbed Hiro's wrist, pulling him along with her as she headed ti the changing rooms. She was surprisingly stronger than Hiro would have expected, given her thin and fair arms.

Entering the changing room, Yanemi left Hiro waiting outside as she changed. Changing into that yellow and white frilly dress she had grabbed earlier, she added a sun hat, sandals and shades to complete the look.

"How do I look?" She asked, opening the changing room curtain for Hiro to see.

"It looks good." Hiro replied, though you couldn't see any specific emotion on his face. "But are you really going to wear that to school? It looks more like a summer beach outfit."

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