9 - The Revelations

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"O...kay...then." Hiro slowly replied. "That's...good."

He couldn't help but feel slightly unsettled by the way that Konami had smiled at him, but he couldn't understand why. She was just like any other day.

'That was the best reaction yet~!' Konami inwardly sung. It was such a thrill, seeing how he enjoyed her food. She didn't know why it made her feel like this. What could it possibly be, that made her enjoy seeing his reaction more than anyone else?

And then it struck her.

Her eyes widened and her breath hitched as a faint shade of red appeared on her face. She gracefully stood up, walking to the teacher with a smile.

"May I use the restroom?" She asked with a slight bow.

"Of course!" Smiled the teacher. "But be quick, the period is ending soon."

"Alright." Konami replied, exiting the room.

She could feel their stares as she had walked up, watching her with great interest. But the only one that had mattered was Hiro's.

She entered the bathroom, and luckily nobody was there. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, analyzing her flushed cheeks.

'You have a crush!' Her brother's words echoed in her mind.

That was it. She had denied it before, but she couldn't help but accept it now. She had fallen. She didn't understand how, or why so quick, but she did. And that was all that mattered.

To think that he would win her heart over so easily, the heart of an Idol. No, the hearts of two Idols. There was Akari who had gone on that date with him.

The two of them had something inbetween them, and that was a roadblock. How was she supposed to get to her beloved's heart if another girl was in the way?

And then it hit her. She would just have to get rid of Akari. She felt sorry for her mutual Idol, but that was how things had to go. And when Hiro was there, sad and depressed, she would be the one to comfort him.

Oh, the joy~

She watched the maniacal smile grow on her face, and couldn't be happier.

~~ April 10, 2014 ~~
~ Uddoforu Academy~

The rest of the day went by without trouble, and before the students of Uddoforu Academy knew it, the school day had ended.

Hiro and Akari sat in an empty classroom, away from the eyes of any prying classmates that could leak their relationship.

"I can't believe you joined the Student Council!" Akari whined. "We can't hang out as much now!"

"Sorry..." Hiro sheepishly laughed. "The school made clubs mandatory, so I thought I'd try it. But if I don't end up liking, I'll quit it."

"Alright..." Akari sighed. "But let's go on dates the days you're free."

"Okay." Hiro smiled. "I'm going to head to the Student Council Room now. Se you later."

"Bye." Akari smiled. As soon as he left, her smile dropped. Her eyes became dull as a fierce look appeared on her face.

"Those bitches better not try anything." She hissed. "I'll check that tape-recorder I planted in Hiro's bag later..."

Hiro, meanwhile, had no idea of the item that she had hidden in his bag. He had no clue that it recorded the sounds of his shoes clacking against the floor, echoing across the empty halls.

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