5 - The Taste Of Blood

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Konami didn't understand it. Since when had Akari gained an interest in a man? She's talked to Akari many times, and she's learned that Akari had no interest whatsoever in the men at this school. She kindly rejected very single one that confessed.

Maybe that is why. Hiro wasn't from this school. He was from elsewhere, who got transferred in. Maybe that's how Akari's interest started.

But that wasn't the only thing that confused Konami. Her heart was jumbled, twisted like a pretzel. Why did it hurt? Every time she thought about that interaction she saw, it hurt her.

She lightly clenched her chest with her hand. She didn't understand it. It didn't make sense. Why did it hurt to see the two of them together?

She walked out of the school, heading to the limo which sat in front. She took a limo to and from school as a precaution. She was the daughter of the most powerful men in Japan, after all.

Her father had many enemies.

"Young Miss." Her butler bowed, opening the door for her. He was a young man in his mid twenties with sharp blue eyes and neatly combed brown hair.

Konami silently got into the limo, buckling herself in and distractedly staring out of the window. Usually she would have thanked the butler, but her mind was in such a mess she didn't think of it.

Her butler closed the door, before getting into the front seat and nodding to the driver. The driver nodded back, starting up the limo and heading to return Konami home.

The butler glanced back at Konami, seeing her staring out of the window with an unreadable expression. It worried him. This wasn't like the Young Miss. Had something happened?

He'd have to investigate later.

Konami fiddled with her hands. Why did she care who Akari dated? It was her choice, and since the two were friends, Konami should support her. And Hiro was a nice guy, so she shouldn't be worried.

So why did her heart hurt...?

Unless...it wasn't Akari, but...Hiro.

She thought back to her classmate. His lack of a reaction to her food had surprised her, so she tried extra hard the next two days. She felt it were some of the best dishes she had made, and her classmates certainly agreed.

But he still didn't react. He'd eat it, before giving her some praise. But, did he really like it? She couldn't tell because she couldn't see his reaction.  It was so frustrating...

Why did she care so much?

A sigh escaped her lips. This was so utterly confusing. She had never felt this way before...

~~ April 9, 2014 ~~
~ Chiyo Mansion ~

The limo pulled through the gate, moving across the driveway to the front of the large mansion. This was where the Chiyo family lived.

Behind Konami's limo another pulled into the mansion, this one housing her younger brother. Konami got out of the limo in a daze, standing in front of the door as she stared at nothing.

Her younger brother, a middle-schooler, got out of his own limousine. He was shorter than his sister, an annoying fact, but looked very similar. He had the same blue hair and yellow eyes.

This was Daisuke Chiyo, the youngest son.

He looked over to his sister, confused. What was she doing? Walking over, he tapped her on the shoulder to receive a jolt in response.

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