29 - The Runaways

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"You should leave." Mei turned to Saki. "Staying with us will only put you in danger. You have your answers, you have no reason to stay."

"You aren't afraid I'll tell anyone about this?" Saki asked.

"No, I'm not." Mei replied. "Who would believe you when you tell this tale? And I'm the off-chance someone does, well..."

Mei sent her a chilling grin.

"...You can't arrest someone who is dead, now can you?" She stated.

Saki shivered.

~~ April 30, 2019 ~~
~ Hiro and Mei's Apartment ~

"I can't believe this...." Hiro muttered to himself. "...I can't believe this..."

He took a deep breath, wiped his eyes, and then walked into another room. He shortly returned back with a black case. He placed it onto the couch, opening it up to reveal a pistol.

Saki froze in her tracks.

He glanced at her. "Don't worry, this isn't for you."

He pulled the gun out, examining it closely. He then placed it back down and grabbed a gun holder from the bag, placing it around his waist and under his shirt.

"Never again. This time, things are going to go my way." He spoke aloud to himself. He placed the gun into the gun holder, before placing the shirt back over. He grabbed a hoodie from the closet, placing it over the shirt to better hide the gun.

He looked to Saki. "I hope you got what you wanted. Now please, leave. Forget this ever happened."

"How could I ever forget this? I spent five years to get to this point." Saki bitterly thought to herself. Her brother had been forever changed because of that Hiro. And who knows if everything he said was true or not? Sora wouldn't say a word about it.

And then suddenly the glass of the window shattered.

The three turned to the window in surprise, where suddenly a figure stood. She looked familiar, very familiar. Other than the nasty scar across her eyes, she looked almost exactly like Mei.

"Mika?!" Mei gasped.

"So you are alive." Mika stated. She pulled out a gun, training it on where she heard Mei's voice. "And here you had me fooled."

"What are you doing?" Mei narrowed her eyes at her sister.

"What are you doing? Playing dead? Running off?" Mika asked. "Do you know how much you wrecked our parents? Do you know how much you wrecked me?"

Hiro started to slowly creep towards Mika as Saki hid herself at the edge of the room and away from the growing conflict.

"We had a funeral for you! A funeral!" Mika screamed. "For five years I thought you were dead. Dead!"

Mei tightened her fists. Hiro crept closer.

"And you, Hiro, you son of a bitch!" Mika spun towards Hiro, pointing the gun at him. "Don't think I don't hear you creeping there, you backstabbing piece of shit. How could you make my sister fake her own death?!"

Hiro took a step backwards. "I asked for her help."

"Don't you fucking point that at him." Mei growled, pulling out a knife.

"What has he done to you?" Mika asked. "Why have you changed so much? I don't even recognize you anymore."

"Don't point that gun at him Mika." Mei warned.

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