22 - The Broken

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Sora's feet hit the pavement. He ran quicker than he ever had. Quicker than when he was searching, quicker when he was running from base to base.

Hiro leaned forwards.

Sora pushed himself forwards.

Hiro started to slip, only to be forcibly pulled back by Sora. The two collapsed to the ground, Sora panting heavily while Hiro brought his hands to his eyes, and started to cry.

What had happened?

                      ~~ April 17, 2014 ~~
                     ~ Kiken Hospital ~

"How is he doctor?" Worriedly asked Hana.

"Physically, he's fine." The doctor stated, having just came from the room Hiro was resting in. "It's a good thing you got to him in time, young man."

Sora numbly nodded in response, still shocked about the whole thing. He just witnessed his friend try to kill himself.

"Mentally, as you can guess, not so much." The doctor continued. "He's depressed."

"When did that happen...?" Mei whispered.

"It may be a new development, or he could have been hiding it." The doctor shrugged. "We have an idea on what a reason could be."

"What is it?" Hana asked.

"Don't tell anybody else this. It's not really a secret, but it is personal info. I trust you three with it as his friends." The doctor continued. "Earlier today his parents died in a plane crash."

"Oh god." Hana and Mei covered their mouths in shock.

Sora closed his eyes, feeling horrible about what had happened to his friend. And feeling terrible that he was relieved it wasn't because of Konami.

"What should we do?" Hana asked.

"First, I recommend he lives with someone else." The doctor suggested. "At the moment he's an orphan, and has inherited his family's wealth, but leaving him alone in his house is too dangerous. There are too many ways to harm oneself when alone. But we don't want him to feel like he's being monitored, so if any of your families are alright with taking him in temporarily, I believe this is the best solution as of now."

"Alright." Mei nodded. "Thank you, doctor."

"No problem." He replied. "But figure it out quickly. They'll dispatch him tomorrow morning since he isn't physically harmed."

The doctor left, leaving the three of them alone.

"We can't leave him alone." Hana stated. "I could probably take him in, but let me check with my parents."

"I'll check with mine too." Mei replied.

"Me too." Sora nodded.

Mei called her parents, explained the situation, and then Mika butted in from the other side of the call, informing Mei of an interesting fact. Hiro and her brother were gaming buddies.

"I'll take him in." Mei announced, pocketing her phone. "My brother knows him, so it will be easier than either of your houses."

"Totes awesome." Hana nodded. "Do you mind if I stop by sometimes?"

Mei sighed. "Sure."

"Sweet!" Hana pumped her fist.

"I'll watch over him in school when I can." Sora added. "We share a lot of classes."

"Good." Mei nodded. "You two can go. I'm going to stay here overnight."

"I wouldn't expect that from you, Vice President." Hana commented.

"Well...you can't be too safe." Mei replied.

Hana and Sora waved goodbye, heading to their own homes. Despite the good conclusion to the events which had just conspired, the two of them still couldn't help but be nervous.

Mei entered the room. Hiro laid on the bed, staring out into space. Mei walked over, sitting on the chair next to his bed. She sat there for a moment, before finally speaking.

"Are you okay?" Mei asked, though she already knew the answer.

"..." It took a couple of seconds for Hiro to respond. "I don't know." It came out in a hoarse whisper.

"Just know, I'm here for you." Mei said, placing her hand on his.

He quickly jerked his hand away with wide eyes, surprising Mei. He looked at her, before taking a deep breath and calming down.

"S-sorry..." He muttered. "J-just..."

"You don't need to explain. It's okay." Mei stated.

"Okay." Hiro replied, closing his eyes. An hour later and he was asleep.

Mei watched his peaceful form sleep on the hospital bed. Had he been abused? Why did he avoid her touch like that?

Well, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that now she knew something was up. And she promised herself that she would protect him.

She'd protect him from anything.

From anything.

No matter what.

She leaned over, planting a small kiss on his forehead. He shivered in his sleep. She continued to watch him, a sick grin spreading across her face.

"You don't have to worry anymore." She whispered to his sleeping form. "I'll protect you."

Those three words were the only things which filled her head until she fell asleep as well, sleeping right next to Hiro on the chair besides the bed.

The doctor came back into the room to check on Hiro. Good, it seemed like nothing had happened. He couldn't see any evidence of any more attempts to die.

He flicked out his phone, dialing in a number. "Miss Giyo? He's alright. He's being watched over, and will be staying at the Meishu's house."

"Thank goodness." Yanemi sighed in relief. "To think that the plane his parents were riding in would crash. I wish I could comfort him right now instead of that Meishu bitch."

"And you didn't do it?" The doctor asked.

"Of course I didn't." Yanemi scoffed. "I would have easily been able to win his parents over, then they'd push him to marry me. I want all of him, and that includes his family. I wouldn't rob him, or myself, of that."

"I'm glad you didn't do that." The doctor replied. "Because he's really been wrecked by that incident."

"Clearly." Yanemi sighed. "It is no matter. As long as someone is watching over him, even if it is those Meishus, is fine for now. As for Hiro, I will continue my conquest."

"I really don't understand your plan." The doctor stated. "Didn't doing that to him just make him hate you?"

"That's temporary." Yanemi replied. "Slowly, I'll make him see that I am the best person to be with. Especially if Akari has already made her move."

"And Konami?" The doctor wondered.

"We leave her for now, let her try whatever her plan is. She likely thinks she has the upper hand because I struck first, but she underestimates me." Yanemi continued.

"Alright then." The doctor replied. "Thanks for answering this ignorant butler's questions."

"It is only natural you are curious. I am playing quite the dangerous game, especially with my first move." Yanemi laughed. "But I'll make Hiro come to me. I just need to make sure he realizes I did not murder his parents."

"Not sure how you are going to do that." The doctor (butler), shrugged.

"And that's what I want you to do next." Yanemi stated. "Discover what really happened to that flight. Was it truly an accident? Or is there something deeper?"

"Alright. I shall get on it then." The doctor informed, walking out of the room.

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