24 - The Snap

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Akari knocked on the door to the Meishu House. The door opened, revealing Mika Meishu. She stared at the school idol standing in front of her.

"Hm? How may I help you?" Mika asked.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could see Hiro." Akari smiled.

"Sorry, but Hiro doesn't want anybody to see him right now." Mika apologized. "If you have anything to give him, you can pass it to me."

"No, that's fine." Akari replied, a little strained. "I'll try again another day. Is he doing okay?"

"He's not in the best place, but he's eating and stuff." Mika nodded. "Wait, how did you even know he was here?"

"I was informed about it as his girlfriend." Akari stated.

"Oh, I see." Mika replied. "He said he didn't want to see anyone right now, but I'll let you know when he does."

"Okay. Thank you." Akari lightly bowed, before walking off.

Mika closed the door. "So that's his girlfriend."

"Yep." Mei replied, coming out from her hiding spot around the corner.

"You really think she might be abusing him?" Mika asked. "She's one of the school's idols for a reason."

"Does that matter?" Mei raised an eyebrow. "Everybody hides something."

"Fair enough." Mika shrugged.

Footsteps sounded in the distance as someone walked down the stairs. The two girls turned to see their brother Yoku.

"How's he feeling?" Mika asked.

"He seems to be getting better. He's still in a very rough place, but he might be able to exit his room soon." Yoku stated. "I'd like to take him on a walk when that happens."

"I just wish he'd let me in to talk." Mika added. "He's been shutting out Mei and I but not you. Why doesn't he see that all of us care for him? I'd really like to make him feel better."

"Trauma." Mei guessed. "From his girlfriend."

"Let's stop with the conspiracy theories." Yoku sighed. "All that matters is that Hiro gets better and doesn't attempt to do anything. Which, speaking of, we need to get rid of the razors in the bathroom."

"What? Why?" Mika asked worriedly.

"He cut his arm with one." Yoku shamefully admitted. "I don't know how he did that with none of us noticing, but it was a couple days old."

Mei's fists tightened. Why was he trying to hurt himself? Why must he try so hard to make himself suffer? She could tell that something happened to him. But if he could confide in her, she'd protect him.

She'd always protect him. After all, he was the man which she had fallen for. For forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.


~~ April 27, 2014 ~~
~ The Meishu Home ~

A couple days later after Hiro's razor incident, and Akari still hadn't given up. Every day, she was guaranteed to knock on their door and ask to see Hiro. Every time she was refused, yet took the rejection quite nicely.

Mei knew there was something off about her, but almost every time they interacted Akari acted like any normal, worried girlfriend.

Multiple knocks sounded against the door.

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