october 2022

117 3 4

a/n i apologize for my timeline being a little off here ahaha <3

Kacie sat on the rug, her back leant against the couch as she scrolled through instagram with the news on in the background.

Freddie had left with Cody to San Diego a few hours ago, with Charlie over at the Kershaw's and both the twins sound asleep.

Since the boys were basically all gone, Chelsea had basically tried to make it a calming Friday night just for her and Kacie, plus the addition of Cass, Cody's daughter.

A few minutes passed by before Chelsea came into the living room and sat down next to Kacie on the fuzzy rug, placing the lively baby on its stomach in between them.

Cassidy, Cody's daughter had been curiously staring at Kacie for the past few minutes, with Kacie trying her hardest to ignore her gaze.

It didn't take long though for Kacie to finally turn to the baby and wave. No matter whose kid it was, she still always found a reason to fall in love with it.

The baby began to clap her hands as she looked at Kacie, Chelsea happily watching the interaction as the brunette made funny faces towards Cassidy, which made her giggle and make a few incoherent noises.

The baby then put her fist in her mouth and began to stare at Kacie again, before reaching out to her, to which the girl took her spit-filled hand and grimaced, but didn't have a second thought after as Cass began swinging their hands back & forth together.

"She loves you," Chelsea exhaustedly laughed, "I haven't been able to get her to smile let alone look at me for the past few hours."

"Really?" Kacie asked, not taking her eyes off Cassidy as she smiled hugely at her, "She seems like a happy little angel."

"For you, I guess," Chelsea nodded, before smugly eyeing Kacie and joking, "You better be careful before she decides you're her mother."

Kacie laughed at Chelsea's remark, before shaking her head and declaring, "If only you knew how many kids I've taught who'd asked me to be their mother," thinking back to the time one of her first graders asked her to marry his father.

"I bet you've got a lot of those stories," Chelsea grinned, "Y'know, I was gonna ask you — and I'm not kicking you out, trust me, I love you here with the twins and Char, but why don't you move back here, to LA, like permanently?"

"I dunno," Kacie shrugged, swaying with Cass as she began to move her arms back and forth, "Someone loves me in London," she blushed, removing her eyes from the baby as Chelsea understandingly nodded.

"I get it," she agreed, "But with everything with Corey, and Mady, maybe it'd be good for you to come back to the sun and ocean breeze. Get away from the clouds and humid Summer, buildings without air conditioning..." she trailed.

"Now you're making me wanna come back," she joked.

"Everyone here would love to have you back," Chelsea stated, "Despite whatever happened with Cody, you're still apart of our little family."

"I know," Kacie nodded, "I'll think about it, but it's gonna take a lot of time to decide..."

"There's no rush," Chelsea replied.

"We'll see," Kacie settled.

"Look who that is!" Mady exclaimed, Cassidy in her hands as she reached out to a freezing Kacie that was approaching the two.

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