august 2022

109 4 8

this chapter is off the walls.

As Freddie became engrossed into conversation with the Kershaws on the way in, Chelsea leaned in closely to Kacie and wrapped her fingers around the tan brunette's palm.

"You're very brave for being here," the motherly blonde whispered.

"It's a commitment, I said I'd come," Kacie stated.

"But you didn't have to come, and you did."

"Isn't that just what good people do? Support others no matter what?"

"Most good people don't," Chelsea shared a glance with Kacie as she finally looked up at her, "You're gonna be happy, Kace."

"Why? As far as I'm concerned I'm pretty lost," Kacie dropped her head once more, watching her little pink heels become visible from under her long dress as she walked.

"Lost? Maybe," Chelsea whispered, "But I learned a while ago that it's possible to be lost in the right direction," she gleamed, as Kacie's warm brown eyes once again met hers, hoping she'd hang onto her advice and find her happiness.

It wasn't like Chelsea was much older than Kacie, but ever since she'd met Kacie a couple years back she'd always seen her as a sweet, harmless, little girl.

As they approached the elevator to take them to the rooftop venue, Kacie started playing with her earrings, nervous as the time for her to give Cody the baby's gift and congratulate the mother.

The elevator took them all the way up to the 33rd floor and onto the roof, as it opened up to lots of people, tables, plants, furniture, and, of course, pink.

This was like the baby shower of anyone's dreams. It was cute and girly, but elegant and minimalistic at the same time.

Kacie's eyes gleamed as she stared at the large bulb-lit sign that read 'BABY'.

"Wow," Kacie whispered in awe.

"This is gorgeous!" Chelsea exclaimed, already off to greet all of her friends and Cody's family.

Clayton came up behind Kacie and patted her on the back. Giving her a wink as he mumbled, "If you, me, and Freddie here wanna sneak out the back in an hour to go get some Cane's, I'm down for it."

Kacie playfully pushed him away as she tried to hide her laughter, Clayton walking off after giving her a lively expression that filled her face with joy.

As she calmed down, she went towards the gift table and debated whether she should set down her gift or give it to Cody personally.

Kacie figured she'd hand it to his directly, since it was... personal to say the least.

Now was the hard part.

Who was she gonna hang out with and talk to?

It wasn't that she didn't have anyone to talk to, but after the past year or so, catching up was never the same.

She'd figured she'd just find a spot at one of the perfectly clothed tables and pretend she was doing something important on her phone. That was always her way out of uncomfortable situations.

"Can I sit here?" asked an exhausted voice that had already slumped down in the seat before Kacie could even figure out who it was.

She saw a very spaced-out Trea, whose eye bags were bigger than when Kacie smears mascara under her eyes and calls it a "halloween costume".

"You look like zombie boy," Kacie stated, a caring, but very repelled look crossed her face.

"The baby hasn't stopped crying," he groaned, "He's been so irritated these past few weeks."

bitter love ❂  Cody BellingerWhere stories live. Discover now