august 2022

136 3 4

Kacie awoke, cuddled up with Mady. The poor girl was such a mess at the moment, but set on her finger tightly was the ring that Corey had meant to give to her that night, and that young boy had gone out of his way to find...

The past week or so had basically consisted of her cradling Mady as she sobbed at the revelation that Corey had basically been murdered.

She was still a little bit unsure of what was going on. When Corey was hit the police had spoken to the owner of the corner store on if they had any footage to identify the car or license plate, but he was pretty adamant his cameras weren't working at the time. But with all the new details and new people coming forward with them, the case seemed a lot more complicated than it should've ever been. However, they were doing this for Corey & nothing is gonna stop them from figuring out what actually went on.

Madisyn was still asleep, so Kacie crawled out of bed and figured she'd go downstairs and get some breakfast started. Her brother, Leighton, was a lawyer and deemed one of the better ones in Southern California, and it was becoming more apparent by day that they'd need one, and agreed to come by and see what he could start gathering.

Kacie pulled out the eggs & flour and only got as far as mixing the dry ingredients when she got a call.

As she flipped her phone over on the counter, she realized it was Christian. A wave of relief passed over her as she answered it, relaxed that it wasn't another phone call from the police department or people that had heard she was back in LA and wanted to meet up.

"Hey," Christian smiled as he saw Kacie's face appear on the other side of the screen.

Since Kacie had to abruptly pack up and leave, he'd ached for her caring voice and gorgeous figure on the other side of his bed... since then, it's only been him and his dog, Timone.

"Hi!" Kacie giggled at the way the phone was positioned, giving her the perfect angle of Timone against Christian's bare chest, as the Italian greyhound's long snout found the camera, nose pressing against it as it tried to figure out where Kacie's voice was coming from.

"So is everything good there?" Christian wearily asked as he moved Timone away from the camera. Like Kacie, he didn't know what was going on when she left.

"Yeah. It's messy, real messy. Leightons coming out to hopefully represent the Seagers if this does go to court," she frowned.

"I'm sorry this is all going on," Christian said, trying to ease her sad expression. He couldn't bear to see her upset.

"Something was bound to resurface at one point, and welp... it's a figure of my past and Mady's my best friend. I have to be here."

"I know," he nodded, as the pair fell silent and the only noise to be heard was Christian shuffling around on his couch. He repositioned the camera, before asking his burning question, "Where're you staying?"

"I've been at Mady's for the past couple of days but between the police, friends, family, detectives, and myself all coming in and out I don't wanna overwhelm her, so that's another thing I'm gonna have to figure out." Kacie sighed.

"Who're you talking to?" Cody asked, as he barged into the kitchen with nothing on but his chain and workout shorts, not to mention how sweaty he was from just running.

"My boyfriend," Kacie bitterly emphasized.

"Huh, I didn't think you two were actually dating." he paused, "Wait, isn't he like, 5'6?" Cody smirked.

Although Kacie and Cody's last meeting had ended on a rather peaceful note, and even obtained closure for the both of them, since Kacie had gotten back to LA the two had been either feuding like two sour third graders, or arguing like a married couple.

"He's 5'9 actually," Kacie rolled her eyes.

"5'10" Christian said through the phone.

"Yeah, 5'10." Kacie repeated.

"Whatever," Cody glared at Christian on the other side of Kacie's FaceTime call, then went towards the fridge, grabbing a water before suggesting, "You should probably go check on Mady, she's been quiet up there for way too long."

"K," Kacie replied, sternly staring at him as he left the kitchen. She hadn't felt this much hatred for a boy since highschool, when her and her brother's friends would constantly take stupid jabs at each other, which somehow resulted in her ending up at prom with one of them and dating for three years until he moved to France. That was a strange time in her life, "He's so annoying," Kacie groaned.

"Well on the bright side he's not all heart eyes for you, yeah?" Christian laughed as he once again repositioned the phone, looking into the camera as he fixed his hair.

"I guess," Kacie replied, not wanting to admit that she missed what they had... and truthfully longed for her & Cody to be friends. It seemed like that was what they were after her last stay in LA, hence why she agreed she'd come to his baby shower.

"Alright well, it's pretty late here..." Christian trailed.

"Oh yeah," Kacie nodded, "Just call me when you can."

"Okay," he agreed, "Love you."

"You too," Kacie mumbled, distracted by the thought of Cody before ending the phone call.

She didn't know what compelled her to not say it back, but she really hoped Christian didn't notice.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

my gifs aren't uploading ughhh

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