august 2022

83 4 0

Kacie sat in Mady's driveway next to one of what felt like thirteen cars in it.

She wasn't quite sure what just happened with Cody, but if Trea hadn't seen them, deep down she thought they might've kissed.

Though her mind and words spoken told her she was done with Cody, her heart read otherwise.

Hence the reason she didn't tell Christian she loved him back, either.

"Hey kid, you alright?" asked the conspicuous voice of Freddie Freeman, getting out of one of the many cars that lined the street, a little gift basket in one hand, and Charlie Freeman in the other.

"I'm fine," Kacie assured the newest Dodger.

"Is Cody being a ding-dong?" he pushed, gaining a laugh from Charlie and a small grin from Kacie.

"Yeah, there's just a lot right now."

"I know, but we're gonna figure it out. Everything with Mady and Corey, and even the stuff with you and Cody." he grinned, lifting his eyebrows up and down.

Kacie shook her head, giggling before thanking Freddie and high-fiving Charlie.

Even the thought of Mady & Corey plagued 50% of her mind, it was easily overshadowed by the embarrassment of what just happened with Cody.


Kacie smoothed the sides of her sleek bun in the mirror, before backing up and taking a glance at her small figure in her favorite, fuschia pink dress.

Herself, Mady, Leighton, and others who were closely involved in the Corey situation had decided to put it aside for a couple of hours so they could be there for Cody at his baby shower.

Although it wasn't in Kacie's interest to go, she'd RSVP'd... and it was in her interest a month ago.

She'd made the commitment, and it wasn't in her nature to be that petty and not show up.

Besides, she'd learned while becoming a teacher that sometimes you have to put yourself in other people's shoes and take in what they're feeling.

She could imagine sorry ol' Cody at his little baby shower alone, reconsidering every single life choice he ever made as he watched his baby momma dance & drink while 7 months pregnant with all of her little wannabe groupies, bragging that she f*cked a baseball player and was probably gonna get free money once the custody was settled

That was the image if she didn't show. And it was a low portrayal, way too low coming from Kacie.

The small brunette then left the bathroom and sat on the little bench near the door, as Chelsea came around the corner with a twin in each arm, smiling at the sight of Kacie.

Although Mady was adamant Kacie was fine staying with her, Kacie also knew that there would be about 6 other people in that house with them also, considering Corey's whole family had basically come to LA regarding the news, and she didn't want to be a burden or overwhelm her.

Instead, the Freeman family had agreed she could stay with them for as long as she needed until she found the right place.

Once Chelsea's mom had arrived to take care of the boys, they all hopped into the car to get going.

bitter love ❂  Cody BellingerWhere stories live. Discover now