december 2018

110 3 1

Saturday December 21st, 2018

"Later, man." Cody slapped Corey on the back as Kacie smiled at him and handed a glass container of soup to him for Mady.

The holidays were always Corey's favorite time of the year, everyone seemed to be happy and enjoyed all the beautiful lights and crisp chill that covered LA.

He thanked Kacie before giving her a side hug, jokingly throwing out, "You make sure to keep this guy in line."

The three shared a laugh before and waved at the couple as the door closed. Afterwards, he went down the elevator and out the lobby.

He'd decided to not burden Kacie & Cody and figured he'd just walk home. Although he wasn't the type to easily bare the cold, the festive lights seemed to all make it better. He couldn't wait to be back home with Mady and watch more holiday movies, then hopefully catch a re-run of a football game.

The breeeze blew back into his face as he stopped at the crosswalk, the light showed red and a few cars rushed past him.

He could hear the Coldplay song, "Christmas Lights" playing across the street from the huge well-lit Macy's.

As the walk sign blinked and Corey entered the crosswalk, he debated which way he should go to get home.

He could go the quickest way, or he could walk around and go through the main part of the city and see even more festive lights & happy people.

The answer was pretty obvious, who didn't wanna see happiness in the form of blinking colorful bulbs?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Corey passed by a large shopping center, which was buzzing due to the large Christmas tree that could be seen from almost miles away.

As he was passing by, a small jewelry store with gleaming diamonds that were almost as bright as the lights could be seen through the window.

The thought popped into Corey's mind about taking a peek.

Him and Mady had been dating for years, and the past few months had him thinking when he was going to pop the question.

The other side of it though, was finding a ring that Mady would like. It wasn't that she was picky, or wouldn't like it, but he wanted Mady to have a wedding ring that was unlike any other, one that called out her name.

Corey checked his watch. Perhaps, if he were to take a peak at the rings he wouldn't be home too late...

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

oh cor...

TL here is way off since mady & corey didn't get married until 2020 butttttttttt for the sake of the story...

bitter love ❂  Cody BellingerWhere stories live. Discover now