july 2022

131 4 5

Mady 😇

'Girly you did not tell me u
were back in townnnn'

'Lolll I've barely told
anybody yet 🤫🤫'
'Who told u?'

'Ethel 🫶'

'My sister always ruining the
'Only Chris and Mary know I
am back for the wknd along w
the fam bc I wanted them to see
me in cali but I want to surprise everyone today'

'So I am assuming u are coming
to the charity event @ 6?"


'Yayy I will be there too!! Along
with like everyone lmao'

'I have missed u guys so much
it's not even funny 🥲'
'But London is beautiful'

'I can imagine 😍😍'
'U should come over hazy
Misses u 😚'

 'I can imagine 😍😍' 'U should come over hazy Misses u 😚'

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'Tell her I miss her too 😋😋'

'U can just come over and tell
her bc her mom also has to hear
all about her fav girl's time in
London 😋😋'

Well this was great.

Mady was her best friend, but how the hell was Kacie supposed to tell Mady that she met someone new and was in the same room with them right now and that's exactly why she couldn't come over because it would be weird to leave him and bring him?

'Call me'


A few minutes later, Kacie's facetime buzzed. Quickly answering, she crept out from under her sheets and past Christian's bed towards the terrace, silently opening the door before turning her volume up to fill Mady in.

'Kacie!!' cooed Mady.

"Hey Mads!" Kacie softly smiled, sitting down on the little outdoor sofa, "Okay so I just wanna get this over with" she slightly grimaced.

'What? What's wrong?'

"I don't know why I'm making such a big deal of this..." Kacie giggled.

'Tell me!' Mady exclaimed.

"Alright- um- well-" Kacie started, but was interrupted by the screen door opening.

In the doorway stood Christian, his shirt off, nike shorts on, with tattooed skin and muscles showing. He then yawned, rubbed his eyes and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine," she flashed back her pageant smile, trying to not stare at his figure.

The way the camera was positioned, Kacie knew Mady could see atleast half of Christian, as a hand went over her face and she went quieter.

Without thinking, Kacie asked, "Wanna say 'hi' to my friend Mady?"

"Sure," Christian laughed, as Kacie handed him the camera and he put it really close to his face, "Hi." he said, before staring at the screen for an awkward few seconds.


Kacie could tell Mady was confused, even without being able to see her.

"Well bye," Christian yawned, handing the phone back to Kacie. "Wanna go for a walk before we have to go to your friends thing?"

"I don't see why not," Kacie shrugged, before she giggled at how tired he looked, "Why don't you sleep for a few more minutes and I'll get you up when I'm done out here?"

"Sure..." he replied, voice fading as he moped back inside, exhausted.

Kacie turned back to her phone, as Mady looked from the other side of the screen speechless.

'Is he gone?' she finally said.


'He's fine as hell, Baby K.'

Kacie chuckled, she missed talking about boys with Mady, even when they were both in perfect relationships.

'So I'm assuming that was what you were going to tell me about?'

"Yeah," she smiled.

'Do Izzy or Leigh know about him?'

"Not yet, but very, very soon,"

They both shared a laugh.

"You still want me to come over?"

'Nah. Hazy girl and I can wait, you go hang out with that hot bae and then you can tell me all about it..." Mady winked.

"Alright, alright... just don't tell anyone else— yet."

'Your secrets safe with me. And Hazel."

Kacie blew Mady a kiss through the screen before hanging up and going back inside, to find a sleepy Christian half asleep on his bed.

"Christian?" she asked, shaking him a little.

"Boo," he said, really unenthusiastically, but she still jumped, "You're so panicky," he laughed, sitting up in bed, as she sat down at the edge of his, giggling along, "So got any suggestions for where we wanna get breakfast?"

"I don't really care. Anything works for me, I kinda just wanna walk and find somewhere."

"Fine with me," he shrugged, getting up and once again exposing his fit figure.

"Well I'm gonna get dressed," Kacie said, before she could stare at him for too long. She didn't know why she was so mesmerized by him. Cody was ripped as well. Maybe it was the tattoos.

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