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That night I thought of all the things that were related to Third. I checked the photos I took in the last two years. I also saw the videos I took with Bone, Too and he. His smile, his foolty acts, was transported back to the good times. We are already friends for two years. I love it so much I never thought of breaking my relationship with him. I thought what was among us was friendships.
Even before the day I kissed it. But when I saw his tears, I "the bastard" I know I will never forget it. Everything has changed. I do not know when it started. At first, I had relationships with many women. When I discovered that Third was constantly harassed by my friends, I decided not to have any serious relationship and I also decided not to bring any women to my house. I thought that if I did it, one day this friend of mine would return to me, and that we could be together again. "Due, you should go back to school tomorrow." Although the lights of the room were off, the person who slept in bed began to remembered it, as I could see me next to the Laptop light.

"Wait a minute, I still do not feel like to return tomorrow."
"You've been to my house for five days, and tomorrow will be the sixth day."
"Are you counting on the days?" "Think before doing things. Your friends can be worried about you. In addition, and do not think that the study does not matter, there are many extracurricular activities to learn art, you are part of them. Think if your companions need you, do not think about yourself in the same."
"So grumpy". I do not want to be scolded by my father. That's the reason why I do not like to go home. But now I have to be scolded by P'ton. "I care for much for you, you're so annoying." The voice that bothered me finally has faded. I turned around and continued looking at the old photos on the screen. It was strange that in every phase of my university life, Third always was with me. Bone and Too are always missing in action because they have girlfriends. But there was no one around Third, so I had to stay with him and do everything with him because he did not want him to feel alone.
Every day I regret it, I regretting to follow Bone and act as a bastard to test Third's heart. At that time I felt that Third would never find out, but there is no secret in this world, and still so broke my heart to my friend.1 After telling them I would like to take me a break, I turned off my phone, so I did not see any social network, and even my laptop was forced to the first time today.

I turned on my phone and clicked on the green icon, and when I opened Line, hundreds of messages were entering, and there were also messages from the members of the junk group:
[It's time to return, my friend. We are waiting for you.] It was sent by Bone, and there was another one to the end, but there was no news from the other person.
These five days, I've been thinking about Third every day. Do you miss me like him? Is it so worried as I?
If only you were thinking of me, because I ... I'm wearing on him. Hundreds of messages I arrived, after reading the news of the entire group of spoons, I also read some private messages, there are many girls who get in touch with me, some of them want to have a more intimate relationship with me, I carefully read a few Message, but I do not answer, and then ... I deleted all the messages and decided to start again.
Tuesday night I called Too and Bone, I decided to go home to tell you what I wear in the heart, about that Third was secretly in love with me for two years, about how I asked Prao to act as my girlfriend to cheat all the world, but in the end it does not
They saw so shocked as I expected, as if they had known it for a long time. "I'm going to stop." I sat on the swivel chair and my two friends sat on bed as if they were my judges.
"Did you eat something bad? What did you tell you about stopping him?"
"He stops with girls and stop wasting time."
"When I was in the second year, I heard you say that, and then you had a week before returning to your original form, and now you want you to create your nonsense again." At that time he was purely impulsive, it's just that I found a girlfriend, so I was ready to try it, but even so I could not stop because I have not thought about loving a single person, but now it's different.
"This time I'm serious because ... I want to fall somebody seriously ..." Bone and Too looked at each other, and then they asked at the same time: "Who is?"
"That's my friend! I will not allow it!" Too and it seemed that I was going to spill to me alive.7 "I've been thinking about it for days, and I'm serious, I want to take care of him."
"Take care of it as a friend, that's how we've been taking care of him" This time was the Bone's turn of giving his opinion. "I just realized, that even though we are friends, my feelings for you and Third are really different."
"Third has already been given up with you."
"And now it's almost successful, and I do not want you to be sad again." I was surprised by the words of Too, before he used all my strength to hate me, but now that I learned that I really had overcome him, I was not happy at all. "I want to change, I want to be a good person, I just need an opportunity, could they help me, please?" I beg you quickly.
"So, how can you guarantee that you will not get sad to Third? He has cried for you in countless times."
"I do not believe you." The two were talking to ferocity, and his eyes were full of concern. "I do not know how to do for me to believe me, and I have nothing to promise."
"But Third is the first person I want ..."
"... to be together, in a serious relationship." The plan to turn my friend in my enamor began after the approval of my two friends ... that same night I went to see the guy who has been in my mind ... It was like a fragile animal whipped in bed and asleep. With just looking at it, the feeling of wanting to take care of it could not hide it anymore. I have been chasing (courting) from the day they chose me as a main actor, but it seems that nothing is cared to, but the distance between us seems to go increasingly away. We used to be together all the time, but now it seems that I am more close to him, I take it immediately. Too told me that maybe this technique does not work for someone like Third. So I have to change before pursuing it really.
"First, it deletes all your female online contacts, leave only our friends and older people." I just arrived and they ordered me to ignite my laptop and observe carefully.
"Let's start with Facebook." I clicked for the page. I have more than 5,000 friends and have more than 10,000 friendship friendships.
"Turn off your friendship request". Bone told me, so I turned it out immediately.
"The next thing is to eliminate friends." It was not so difficult for me, so I sat down and I eliminated one after another, until ...
"His tits are so big." I feel a bit of repentance when I look at her photo. It's not easy to get a girl like that. One hand can not grab it all, but as I am determined to start a new life, so eliminate ...
"KAK shit, do not rush to eliminate it ..." Now it's too, who tells me to stop.
"First I will add it and then remove it" .
"Get off;!" My Facebook friends have gone from more than 5,000 to more than 100, so let's cry for a while .... But in less than five minutes, my phone was in my hand, and Ig is on the screen ... do not tell me ...
"He erases everything".
"Some of them almost do not wear anything, what a shame." Then you will not go after my friend. "
" Ok, delete, everything has been deleted, you see? "Without waiting for them to rule, I quickly follow all his words to eliminate almost everyone in leaving only a few close friends." Since I deleted all line conversations, I started blocking all the girls' girls, and now I'm almost finished with my previous lifestyle. "The next thing is that you need to know how to organize your life, we will help you a little, but you have to help you." "I know, thank you very much."
"And your sexual problems have to be controlled, now that there are no women, you have to control yourself."
"I can use both hands to create a happy life" I said as long as she handed my two hands up and down.  There are few reasons why I am a woman's part, the most important thing is that I am fogous, but if I still be like that, third certainly will not want to return to me, so I have to adjust me.
"It will be better if you prepare to write the report, Third says it's almost in your department."
"Oh, oh, then, what should I do now? Should I go clothing to you?"
"Did you take the wrong medicine? It will be better than you act as usual"
I looked at my clothes, a white large-shirt t-shirt and pants-looked pants, and I did not even put my underwear. My great homicide weapon is almost visible, but it does not matter, because it's always great!
Tok Tok Tok ...!
The sound of the door did not stop sounding. I ran to the door but Toyo stopped me halfway, looked at me so that it was back, and then walked slowly to turn the hole of the door. Another request for my friends is that it keeps an appropriate distance from Third, so that it does not feel embarrassed or offended. "Do you have a long time here?" He asked the school uniform, so we caught at the same time to show certainty. He pulled out his laptop from his bag and put it on a small folding table. "That's the place of Bone and Too, you can go back to bed." I tried to calm my emotions and I said. "Ok, let's start with the report, so we'll end up fast and we can go early"
"tomorrow there is no trial of the work, why so much priced?"
"I asked him suspiciously." I do not want to stay long in someone else's room and I want to return to my house. "I think it really refers to only my room ....."
Are you hungry? "
" I've already eaten "
"Oh, but if you're hungry, tell me, I'll go buy it for you."
"No, let's go to the grain." The person sitting in front of me no longer gave me the opportunity to continue talking, so we listen to songs while we wrote the report. It was eight o'clock at night, Too and Bone said they were hungry, so they went down to buy food, and we only left Third and I in the room. We look at each other for several minutes, but no one dared to speak, so I did not have more remedy than to speak. "The photo of yesterday on the Facebook page was Gracecosisima"
"..." He looked at me.
"It's a photo of you sitting eating." I asked the administrator of the page to hang up the photo because it looked good, there are thousands of people who like the photo, just that he did not even even make a small reaction. "I do not think it's funny, by the way, Prao ... Can you work with her?" The conversation changed without prior notice, I brought the saliva and quickly occurred to an excuse.
"Yes, it's okay."
"Oh ..."
"Why are you worried about me?"
"Yes, as a friend." This phrase is simply heartbreaking. "Friend" The word is like a dagger inserted in my heart. Did not I use the same word to hurt him again and again? We still sit quietly and write the report, may feel that Third has built a wall around him and the wall becomes higher every day
When I have to talk to I have to think carefully in what I'm going to tell you, think if this phrase is not adequate to be said, I sink into my own thoughts so I decide to keep my report in silence. Time flies too fast, I may be the eight night to be nine o'clock at night, and the two people have not yet returned. I do not know if they are following the girls and they forgot to return. Worried, I decided to ask the other person if he was hungry.
"Third, if you ..." I did not finish my phrase when I saw that he had been asleep in bed. I got up, and I dragged him towards him, I did not dare to make noise, I did not dare to give a great step, with the fear that I could wake up from her dream, I could only look at her quietly with the head head.
"It looks very cute." I said softly, my eyes were attracted by his mouth, his lips move after following the pace of his breathing, open and close gently, which reminds me of the kiss.
His sad eyes were closed, his eyelashes are incredibly long, his eyebrows, his nose, that I had not carefully observed, or because he was too used to him that he was around my all the time, that I never looked at him carefully?
Well, that's cute. There is such a lovely person around me but I do not tell me, so I'm thinking I can not help but want to see him more closely, until he can clearly feel the pace of his breathing, I want to see it ..... uh, that's cute.
Suddenly a malignant thought came to my mind, damn, how can I curb this sexual desire? How can I have an erection with so
Just look at it? This is something that never happened when I was with him in the past. Why did I have this physiological reaction so fast just when I realized what I feel for him? I had already mounted a tent in my wide pants, I had to cover my little brother with both hands and prepare to flee. But when you have bad luck ... It's really been sleeping well, but she opened her eyes before I could escape.
"Kai ..."
"Eh? What? I'm about to do some exercise." I jumped from the bed at the speed of light and made push-ups. Shortly after, I took me on the ground.
"What are you doing? Why do you have to exercise at this time?" He sat down slowly and asked me stunned. My little brother is causing some problems. Please, sit there, or you'll see the big size of my brother brother.

"I'm going to exercise, I want to add muscles to my body"

"You can use the gym of your department"

"I was saving time, I'm in a moment." Soon I finished talking, I ran to the bathroom, and the only way to release me was to use my five fingers brother. But Third is in the bedroom, and if I do some strange noise, he will find out. So what the hell is supposed to do? Turn my head and looked at the facial cleaner, the antitranspirant and a number of perfume bottles in the lavate, OK! A method that can cause the sexual impulse to decrease is to divert attention so that no longer think of only sex.
The first thing I caught was a bottle of perfume, I carefully observed the form of the level of fragrance. Yes, so that my sexual desire decrewed, he was sitting on the floor and playing with these bottles and flasks, putting his logos in front of me.

Shit! I'm sweating ...

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