Chapter 20

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The hard work of the team of the scriptworseers for a month finally has come to an end. P and C and Yangyee invited everyone to celebrate with an excuse to celebrate the script. My three friends followed me as a queue. We ordered a lot of food and beer in the store. From 8:00 p.m. M. until 11:00, no one is ready to go.

I almost did not take wine because I was afraid of drinking too much and I said something that I should not say. Too and Bone have convinced me to make it less recently, but now they are drunk as wild dogs on the road. After all, no one can overcome the Pit as a bear.

I have been drinking and drinking since I started eating, so I'm going to embarrass a little, and now P Yangyee is looking for an excuse to leave, let alone me to accept the destination test. Oh, what should I do with these four people ... "P, I think it's almost here. You can not return in a while." The thief first hit the king, and wanted to end the wine office and start with people who insisted on drinking. "It does not matter, my wife will pick me up later." Hey, thank you for your family, will really escape from responsibility ... "You are sufficient, and I can not handle them for a while."

"My eyes are still bright." Bone did not admit that he was drunk. I saw it and to too together to provoke vomiting. When he charged life, he began to become crazy again, the beasts. I just have to pour white water into your cups so that they are not so drunk as fast that it seems to be quite effective. Only Kai is face down and holding the wall towards the bathroom. His face looks red. It should be drunk. Usually, it will not be like that. It is strange to blame PT, which has the same language as his bear, so things have become what I see now. I waited until I came back for a long time, but I never saw anyone. I had to get up and go to the bathroom to find it. When I arrived, I saw that the tall man was standing next to the urinary. "Why did the urine so long?"

"Hey ..."

"Are you still awake? I do not understand if I feel like talking to you." As I said, I saw Kai waving the zipper with a trembling hand. I quickly went to help you let it be your hand. "Are you still good? Are you a few fingers?" I raised his thumb and index, and Kai left there, looking at my hand without eyes. "It seems that you're really drunk. I'll send you home later, your car will let the bar manager help you. As for the other two ..
." They pushed me to the wall before finishing. Keep it tight. I had to scream and scream
"What are you doing?!"

His face was approaching more and more to me, so I could smell the smell of alcohol full of nose, my mind was blank, I did not know what to do, I could only look at his face. After a few minutes, I finally found my reason and was ready to move it away, but he was faster than my movement and immediately closed to her hard both with both hands.

"Kai, you are drunk, oh ..." For a moment my world turned without any direction. His lips clung to my mouth and I did not have time to do any kind of preparation.

My brain is already exploiting, I have no way to breathe. The first question that emerged in my mind was: "Do you want to deliberately kiss me?", Although I think that in my head, I do not have a way of doing no noise. I can only keep swearing. Oh, I can not say a complete word at all. Before this drunk Kai, I do not know what I should feel. I'm not saying good or bad, but I face my own friends. I always have a selfish thought in my heart.

Still secretly I hope we can go further than now. Kai licked the hoe and changed the angle of his mouth. His lips always watched around me. I had to open his mouth to greet him. I could feel my face and my back full of sweat. I do not feel very comfortable with another language entering my mouth. I do not even know how to breathe, so I have to let the other person continue to guide me. The fire of the lust was rapidly burned, the heat of my body straightened, and Kai spread his hand and held my face, and the girl was ready to change his position and continue kissing.

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