Chapter 22

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The process of selection of actors in the early morning has made great progress, and the posters to recruit actors are full of the whole school. After school, students with time have to go help, no one can escape, I also took the opportunity to let my friends run with PT. From one day two days, two days to three days, I have not stayed with evil people for a long time; At most, I just found myself with a greeting when I was in class. In a few days, the selection of actors will begin. Every day I mix with P Cent and I see him go to check the progress of several departments. Today we are going to review the scene board. Although the table of the great scene is for people, but the budget is not so abundant, we also asked to lend many students from our own department and other departments to help make small parts.

"I have not done it yet, third, take away your feet." I looked at classmates who were running with my brush. "Come here, do not go with them." P Centro greeted her with his hand and stood aside to side, watching everyone die for painting color.

"It's pretty good," I said. "Well, when Maprang came to see it, she could not get a stunned mouth." Maprang is the name of his girlfriend. It is one of the best girls in the department. No male student does not admire it. I do not know why I can not find it. "How many years have you been in contact?"
"Three years".

"How did you know? To be honest, she can not be with a bastard like you."

"How many years has you been in your mouth? Now! Immediately!" I quickly clutch her mouth, but I can not blame me. Everyone wonders why they will be together, or, guess if he used it at the beginning. What magic tricks reached it. "I know what you are thinking, but there's absolutely nothing to stun in the toilet."

"All this can know, ready to die."

"I've been in love with her for a long time, but I do not dare to get to it, because there are too many people who persecute me, and the queue can go to the foreign government, and then you look at my face and my body."

"Why did you choose him at the end?"

"I am very powerful." I am very looking forward to give you some feet and words are not useful for people. "But I've always paid for it. I have been taking care of her from far away. It takes time to establish relationships between people. Love is not an exception, when the time is over, if she loves me, I will love me." But if she does not want me, it means that there are no chicken feathers at all ".

" It means only in certain circumstances. "

" Hey, who you like? "

" ... "I do not know what to respond, but I did not refuge it." If you have to the other you will love you, but if you do not love, do not keep waiting, a waste of time. "

" How do I know when I should wait when I must leave? "

" It depends on this. "The school teacher signed his finger towards his head." Hair "?

" Brain, "Mother"

"I'm sorry," I'm sorry "

." The human body has its own instinct to protect yourself. Different people have different tolerances and can withstand different degrees of pain. The Sadness caused by the wait is a pain for the human brain. If you can resist it, you can explain. Continue, but if you can not stand it, it means that our body has no way to support it. So you should know when to wait and when to leave "

." But why do we have to use our brains? We should not hear our hearts when we make decisions? "

" Let's say that, if you are aiming for a person with a gun, your brain will order you to flee immediately, but your heart is not that way, you will only accelerate your blood flow and your feet will still move. The earth is dead in the same place. "

Theory of love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon