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I opened the car door gently being mindful off the car beside us

Once I was beside all of my friends, I linked arms with Stephanie and Sare and we all walked in together, I stuck my tongue out childishly at both Jacob and Jace

The smell of alcohol burned through my body, it stunk, I made sure to keep a good hold on my two buddies as we made our way to the bar 

"Lets get shots" Stephanie squealed, she grabbed 3 shot cups and filled them up, giving one to both me and Sare, I watched as they both tilted their cups up

I turned around and quickly emptied the cup in the sink, screwing up my face I looked back at them 

"Spicy" I replied with, it was followed by a fit of giggles 

Always worked, every time

"Wanna dance?" Sare asked Jacob with one of her small smiles, I watched as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the dance floor, seconds later Stephanie pouted her lips, which of course caused Jace to pull her into there aswell

I walked over to the back of the room and sat on one of the chairs, the now itchy dress caused me to squirm ever so slightly, it felt like an army of ants were crawling up me, and it didn't feel very good 

"Ares" I shouted upon seeing him, he turned around, looked everywhere, then walked away

"Ares" I shouted again, his eyes connected with mine and I could've sworn I saw a small smile blossom

I stood up and pulled him into a small side hug, he shook his head and pulled me into a proper hug, I felt all warm and fuzzy inside, but I decided to ignore those feelings

Once he pulled back, he placed his hand on the small of my back and started to direct me to the garden 

The cold air hit my face and I felt calm, the air soothed my burning skin ever so slightly, I looked up at the sky in awe, the bright stars twinkled back down at me, dark clouds oozing around the night sky

"You like stuff like this?" I was interrupted by his husky voice 

I turned around slowly and smiled "It calms me down" I admitted in a small voice, I walked over to the two pull back chairs that were placed beside each-other and smiled 

"Come on" I pointed at the chairs and proceeded to lie down on one, he laid down beside me and I couldn't help but feel complete 

"I could sit here for hours" I spoke out after a while of silence 

"I couldn't" he replied causing me to giggle "But I'm with you so I'm not complaining" He muttered quietly to himself 

"I'm here with you too, makes the experience better" I whispered as I watched 2 clouds merge together

"10 more minutes then, we can go get some food?" He asked

"Sounds like a plan" 

I fell in love with AresWhere stories live. Discover now